What to do if you’ve been discriminated against while pregnant or on maternity
In 2015, a large-scale report into pregnancy and maternity discrimination – the most recent of its kind – found that 77% of working mums experienced discrimination in the workplace and a shocking 54,000 women a year lose jobs for getting pregnant.
A well as this, one in five experienced harassment or negative comments from someone at work when they were pregnant or back from maternity leave.
One in 10 said they were treated worse when they returned to work after having a baby, while 7% were even put under pressure to hand in their notice.
And since then, the pandemic has further widened inequalities for mothers in the workplace.
But what can you do about it, if it has happened to you?
Firstly, it’s important to note that, according to NCT.org.uk, ‘it’s against the law to treat people unfavourably because they are pregnant, have a pregnancy-related illness, gave birth recently or are breastfeeding.’
If you feel like that is happening to you, you have every right to take action.
There are four main types of pregnancy or maternity discrimination
Direct discrimination: when you are treated unfairly or unfavourably because you are pregnant, on maternity leave or breastfeeding, e.g. being refused a promotion.
Indirect discrimination: when a workplace practice works against people who are pregnant, breastfeeding or on maternity leave, e.g. asking all employees to work set hours.
Harassment: when unwanted conduct related to your pregnancy, maternity leave or breastfeeding causes a distressing, humiliating or offensive environment for you.
Victimisation: treating you unfairly because you’ve made or supported a complaint about pregnancy, maternity or breastfeeding discrimination.
Source: NCT.org.uk
Lisa Brennan is a HR consultant and coach at Strategtic Ambitions, proving HR Consultancy and Coaching support to businesses and individuals, to allow them to realise their goals and ambitions.
As well as being an expert in this field, she is also seven months pregnant and has experienced this kind of discrimination herself.
‘As the owner of a small business, I was shocked to understand how many prospective clients did not want to have conversations with me, once they discovered I was pregnant,’ she says.
‘Despite having other associates who would deliver on projects, many of those prospective clients advised they would seek alternatives or be back in contact once the baby had been born to discuss future possibilities of working together.’
In general, Lisa advises that there are a number of ways in which pregnant people, or new parents, can be discriminated against.
These could include: being demoted or dismissed unfairly during maternity leave, not being considered for promotions or interesting projects, an unfair assessment when it comes to salary review or bonus, being missed out for training opportunities (which could result in the pregnant woman being less skilled than other team members and later mean this is unfairly viewed as a competency issue), or failure to allow time off for maternity-related appointments.
Additionally, Lisa explains that pregnant woman, and new mothers, are often surrounded by conscious and unconscious bias, which may – on the surface – be less obvious.
‘From the assumption that they cannot do as much, or that they cannot operate at the same level of employment that they did previously, to the falsehood that they won’t care as much about work,’ she says.
‘These assumptions lead to many decisions being made on behalf of the woman by someone else, rather than asking the woman herself.’
She adds that when someone is on maternity leave businesses have an obligation to keep informed of any job vacancies that may be suitable for her to apply to – but often, this doesn’t happen.
‘Many will say that the woman can access the jobs via their website or company intranet,’ Lisa says.
‘But most women have their out of office on and access revoked during the period of maternity leave as it is for a long period of time.
‘So unless someone actually takes the time out to notify the woman to their personal email address or by phone, then many opportunities will be missed by them.’
All of these things – and many more – can contribute to maternity discrimination.
What can you do if you’ve been discriminated against while pregnant?
If someone has been discriminated against on the lead up to going on maternity, they can aim to have a discussion with their line manager, HR or another senior manager in the business they trust to address the matter, explains Lisa.
‘If there is no resolution then they can raise a grievance, this then will need to be investigated.
‘The employee would need to follow all internal processes prior to taking this to an external tribunal. Unless they believe this to be constructive dismissal, effectively having no option but to leave their role.
‘If this is the situation, the individual could then go direct to tribunal.
‘It can also be useful to seek advice from bodies such as ACAS, Citizen’s advice, or a lawyer, if you are not sure of what steps to take.’
What about if it happens while on maternity leave?
Some women have reported losing their jobs, or being demoted, during maternity leave. If this happens, it can be difficult to deal with in a practical sense.
‘Dealing with discrimination or grievance processes is something that takes a lot of time and energy when you are present in the workplace, never mind when you are on maternity leave or just about to return to work,’ Lisa advises.
‘This is what puts many people off raising a grievance.
‘However, at any stage of pregnancy or maternity the same policies and processes mentioned above will apply.
‘You can raise the grievance so that it is recorded but request that the investigation be carried out either once you are back in the office, or once you have settled in again.’
What if the discrimination happens after returning to work?
‘The assumption continues when women return back to work after their pregnancy and maternity leave – that all woman will want the same; that they will want to go part-time or that they won’t be ready to return to work, or be able to give work their full focus,’ says Lisa.
This is of course, a complete generalisation.
‘In many companies, there is a lack of thought about what individual support a woman will need as she returns from maternity leave.
‘If someone has taken nine to 12 months out of the business and there have been changes to people, processes, services, or products, there is often not time for the person returning to refamiliarise themselves with the business and their role and what it has evolved to.’ This puts them at a disadvantage.
For those women who do go part-time, there are often unrealistic expectations on workload.
‘Many women find themselves carrying out five days of work in three days, for example.
‘This can result in impact to mental and physical health, as well as them being underpaid for the work they are actually delivering.
‘There is often little consideration given to women who are breastfeeding, suitable space for this should be provided legally, but many women find they have to do this in the toilets, with other people coming in/out, knocking on cubicle doors etc.’
If you find that any of these things have happened to you, or if you feel as though you’re being passed over for opportunities or – in worst case scenarios – forced out of the company due to the treatment you’re receiving, again, try to have an open conversation about what you need and what the company is legally required to provide.
‘Refer to the policies that are established in your business, you can request these at any time and legally they have to provide these to you,’ suggests Lisa. ‘You should actually have access without having to request on a company central drive.
‘If this is not addressed, then raise it formally via the grievance procedure, as mentioned previously.’
Know your rights and record what is happening
It is worth reading your company maternity, paternity, adoption, and parental leave policy. ‘If you don’t understand it, ask someone in HR to explain it to you,’ Lisa continues. ‘You are allowed to ask any questions you need to.’
Also review your company’s equal opportunities policy.
‘Take notes of everything you are experiencing, if you believe you are being discriminated against, bullied, harassed or victimised due to your pregnancy or maternity.
‘Record date, time, who was there, who was involved, what the issue or conversation was.
‘This can be in any format, whether written or typed notes on a word document, journal or notes app, scraps of paper, whatsapp, text messages, or your own voice notes accounting for what happened.’
It’s worth flagging here that recordings of others without their express permission is a violation of their privacy and would not be admissible in any formal or informal process.
Lisa also suggests discussing your performance and considerations for any salary review or bonus discussions prior to going on maternity leave, and asking that it be documented and shared with you.
This will mean in any future discussions in the business they will have your input and the information you have discussed on your performance and achievements to date.
‘Before you go on maternity ask what support you will receive when you return and check whether you will be able to use your Keep In Touch days (ten days that you can use to keep up to date with work that will not impact on your maternity pay e.g. undertaking training, attending events),’ she adds.
‘And if you don’t feel you have the support or answers that you need from your Company you can reach out to ACAS, Citizens Advice, Trade Unions, or workingfamilies.org.’
Do you have a story to share?
Get in touch by emailing [email protected].
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MORE : The new mums struggling with workplace discrimination
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