Weight Loss To Digestion Booster: 5 Ways Green Bananas Can Have Surprising Benefits On Your Body – News18

They are loaded with anti-oxidants and also possess Vitamin C and beta-carotene.
Green bananas might not be the tastiest food item out there but possess several essential nutrients.
Bananas enjoy global popularity across the world, but in India, they are also cherished in their raw form. They can be prepared in several different ways involving stirring, frying, mashing etc. Green bananas can be also used in salads and dips. They might not be the tastiest food item out there but they possess several essential nutrients. Indian food nutritionist, Lovneet Batra recently uploaded a post on her Instagram, highlighting the various benefits of raw bananas. In her caption, she wrote, “Do not go by its taste! The benefits of green bananas may surprise you.”
Let’s have a more detailed look to truly understand how beneficial green bananas can be for you.
Digestion booster
In her post, the nutritionist highlighted that green bananas can help in restoring normal bowel activity. They are rich in bound phenolic compounds which display strong bioactivities including anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory and cardiovascular disease ameliorating effects. They also have a prebiotic effect as they can survive the stomach and build good bacteria in your gut for a healthy tummy.
Heart health booster
Lovneet also highlighted how green bananas are loaded with heart-friendly nutrients. Just like their ripe siblings and potatoes, they can serve as excellent sources of potassium. Raw bananas are also rich in resistant starch which can be beneficial in maintaining healthy sugar levels. Its potassium-rich property makes green bananas a natural vasodilator that helps in the contraction of muscles and regulation of blood pressure.
Green bananas are not sweet. They contain lesser sugar when compared to yellow bananas. Pectin and resistant starch present in green bananas can act as blood sugar regulators after meals. Raw bananas also rank low on the glycemic index, possessing a value of 30.
Loaded with antioxidants
Antioxidants protect your body from free radicals and oxidative damage. This further helps in maintaining the health of your body cells. Green bananas are completely loaded with such anti-oxidants. They also possess vitamin C, beta-carotene and several other phytonutrients which can help reduce inflammation.
Helps in weight loss
The high resistant starch and pectin content in green bananas can help regulate your appetite. Its fibre-rich content has been linked with an increased feeling of fullness after meals. This promotes satiety, enabling you to eliminate excessive calories from your diet leading to effective weight loss.
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