Alberta startup using tech and AI to track dairy cow health |… Monitoring their herd could soon be a lot easier for dairy farmers in Canada,… Read More...
Prescription tunes: Can music help improve the effects of drugs? |… An Alberta clinical pharmacology professor is studying whether listening to… Read More...
Alberta-made technology screens people’s speech for early signs of… Alberta researchers have found a way to catch potential early signs of… Read More...
Alberta art exhibit uses virtual reality to explore who we are as… Why are people interested in virtual reality and what can it tell us about who… Read More...
Social media ‘Memories’ can be painful for survivors of gender-based… Seeing a photo from years ago pop up on your phone might be a positive reminder… Read More...
In meteorite, Alberta researchers discover 2 minerals never before… A meteorite expert from the University of Alberta was part of a team of… Read More...
Alberta-developed device helps mobility-challenged kids turn thoughts… The first time Claire Sonnenberg made a light switch on, using just her… Read More...
Alberta student who fled Ukraine wins award for landmine-detecting… Igor Klymenko is enjoying his first year at the University of Alberta. He… Read More...
11% of hospitalized COVID-19 patients get readmitted or die, study… After examining records of more than 800,000 Canadian COVID-19 patients,… Read More...
Edmontonians rally at University of Alberta to show support for… For students and staff at the University of Alberta, the focus is usually on… Read More...