Scientists discover ‘unexpected’ 319-million-year-old fossilised… Sign up for a full digest of all the best opinions of the week in our Voices… Read More...
Fossilised eggs found in India suggest dinosaurs may have nested… Sign up for a full digest of all the best opinions of the week in our Voices… Read More...
Fossilised cat-sized reptile found in Scotland was ‘early relative of… A fossilised reptile unearthed in Scotland lived during the age of dinosaurs and was… Read More...
Eight-ton mastodon’s life history decoded using its fossilised tusk in… The life history of a now-extinct ancestor of the modern-day elephant has been… Read More...
Scientists discover new species fossilised in 16-million-year-old… A microscopic new species has been discovered after being preserved in amber for… Read More...
From bats babbling like babies to a fossilised brain Some bat pups babble just like human babiesGreater sac-winged bats are a field… Read More...