RRR sequel reportedly confirmed, read details inside
The sequel to the megahit movie RRR has been confirmed, according to reports. There haven’t been many facts revealed, but filming is anticipated to begin shortly. A tweet surfaced online, “#RRRMovie sequel CONFIRMED. “We are planning to make a sequel of #RamCharan – #NTR’s #RRR. It will be in Hollywood Standards. The movie will either be directed by SS Rajamouli or someone under SSR supervision. Mahabaratham : The dream project of SS Rajamouli will commence very soon after the completion of Mahesh Babu’s jungle adventure film.”- Vijayendra Prasad.”
The action-packed pan-Indian spectacular RRR, which garnered high praise from the Academy, became a worldwide sensation. At the 95th Academy Awards, MM Keeravani’s Naatu Naatu, which is featured in the film, won Best Original Song. With a star-studded ensemble that included Jr. NTR, Ram Charan, Alia Bhatt, and Ajay Devgan, among many others, the mega-hit movie was directed by SS Rajamouli.
On June 20, Ram Charan and Upasana welcomed a baby girl. He recently revealed the title of his upcoming movie, Game Changer. The movie is supposedly a high-budget action comedy with Kiara Advani sharing the lead role. Also, there are reports of the currently unnamed RC 16. Jr NTR is set to team up with KGF director Prashanth Neel for an out-and-out action thriller. The project, which has the working title of NTR 31, is anticipated to get underway in the summer of 2024.
A sequel to the massive blockbuster #RRR has been confirmed according to recent reports.
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