Richard Burton’s brain was bleeding before his death
Richard Burton notoriously suffered from alcoholism, which could have killed him in 1974, but the Oscar-nominated performer lived on till 1984. In the lead up to his death on August 5, 1984, Burton had arthritis, dermatitis, and liver cirrhosis (i.e. a scarred liver). Burton died, however, from a haemorrhagic stroke, which occurs when a “blood vessel inside the skull bursts and bleeds into and around the brain”.
The NHS continues: “The main cause of haemorrhagic stroke is high blood pressure, which can weaken the arteries in the brain and make them more likely to split or rupture.”
Risk factors for high blood pressure include:
- Being overweight
- Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol
- Smoking
- A lack of exercise
- Stress.
“Haemorrhagic strokes can also be caused by the rupture of a balloon-like expansion of a blood vessel (brain aneurysm) or abnormally formed blood vessels in the brain,” the NHS adds.
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Symptoms of a stroke
- Face – the face may have dropped on one side, the person may not be able to smile, or their mouth or eye may have drooped.
- Arms – the person may not be able to lift both arms and keep them there because of weakness or numbness in one arm.
- Speech – their speech may be slurred or garbled, or the person may not be able to talk at all despite appearing to be awake; they may also have problems understanding what you’re saying to them.
- Time – it’s time to dial 999 immediately if you notice any of these signs or symptoms.
How drinking raises blood pressure
Drinkaware points out that alcohol consumption can have a “serious long-term effect on blood pressure”.
The UK Chief Medical Officers’ (CMO) low-risk drinking guidelines advise that people should not regularly drink more than more than 14 units a week.
“For example, a pint of strong lager contains three units of alcohol, whereas the same volume of lower-strength lager has just over two units.”
Burton was 58 years old when he died, leaving behind his widow, Sally.
During his lifetime, the Welsh actor made a name for himself starring in Becket (1964), The Spy Who Came In From The Cold (1965), and Who’s Afraid Of Virginia Woolf (1966).
Co-starring alongside actress Elizabeth Taylor in 11 productions, the pair had a tumultuous romantic relationship.
They married in 1964, then divorced 10 years later, only to remarry the following year in 1975, swiftly followed by another divorce in 1976.
Burton then went on to marry British model Suzy Hunt in the same year; the marriage was over by 1982.
His daughters, Kate and Jessica, were from his first marriage to Sybil Williams, while he had his youngest, Maria, with Elizabeth.
Richard Burton starred in Anne Of The Thousand Days, which is showcasing on Wednesday, November 2 on Film4 at 11am.
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