Ramayan actor Chandrakant Pandya aka Nishad Raj passes away; Dipika Chikhlia, Sunil Lahri pay tribute
Veteran actor Chandrakant Pandya, who played the role of Nishad Raj in Ramanand Sagar’s mythological show ‘Ramayan’, passed away on Thursday (October 21). Ramayan actress Dipika Chikhlia who played the role of Sita in the show took to Instagram stories and informed about the actor’s sudden demise. Sharing a picture of the late actor, Dipika paid tribute and wrote, ‘#RIP Chandrakant Pandya – Nishad Raj of Ramayan.”
Soon after the shocking news broke out, condolences poured in from his co-actor Sunil Lahri (Lakshman). Taking to Instagram Sunil wrote, “Ramayan ke Ek Aur kalakar Nishad Raj ka Abhinaya Karne Wale kalakar Chandrakant Ji Ab Hamare beech Nahin Rahe Bhagwan Unki Atma ko Shanti De. Om Shanti.”
As per media reports, the actor was suffering from many health ailments and passed away at the age of 72. Pandya featured in several movies and played prominent roles, including Prem Lagna, Pyar Ho Gaya, Parivaar Na Pankhi, Hote Hote Pyar Hogaya, and Chundadi Ni Laaj.
Also read: Ramayan’s Raavan aka Arvind Trivedi passes away at 82; PM Modi, Sunil Lahri, Dipika Chikhlia & others condole
A few days ago, senior actor Arvind Trivedi who played the crucial role of Raavan in the epic also breathed his last. The 82-year-old veteran actor was not keeping well for quite some time and lost his life after suffering a heart attack and multiple organ failure. His last rites took place in Mumbai.
Also read: Dipika Chikhlia recalls ‘Sita Apaharan’ scene from Ramayan with Arvind Trivedi aka Raavan
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