Is freezing your eggs all it’s cracked up to be?
Type “egg freezing” into the TikTok search bar.
Odds are, you’ll be presented with an almost endless scroll of videos. (Skip the ones about putting raw chicken eggs in the freezer as a hack for making fried eggs.) Depending on the algorithm’s whims, you’ll probably see a bunch of fertility doctors answering the question “Should I freeze my eggs?” The answer is invariably yes. You might see fertility clinics showing BTS glimpses into the process, like one that shows what an egg retrieval looks like on an ultrasound screen. (“A minor surgical procedure,” the captions say, as “Cold Heart” by Elton John and Dua Lipa bops in the background.)
You’ll almost certainly encounter vlogs documenting individual egg freezing journeys, with people chronicling their doctor visits, blood tests and injections — down to the Notion calendar used to track the various drugs the process requires them to take.
While their backstories vary — some are mid-30s and haven’t found the right partner to have a baby with yet; others are mid-20s and don’t plan to be pregnant for years but have seen the generational writing on the wall — the reason for freezing their eggs is almost universally the same. They’re freezing their eggs now so they’ll be able to have a baby later.
Together, these videos can give the impression that freezing your eggs, while mildly uncomfortable in the moment, is a no-brainer for anyone whose body contains eggs and who might want children one day. It’s presented as sensible proactivity, like putting money into retirement savings. It goes a long way to normalizing the procedure — and destigmatizing life paths that don’t follow the 1950s picket-fence model.
Based on the curiosity and enthusiasm with which this content is mostly received, egg freezing is becoming an increasingly commonplace consideration. When it first emerged a decade or so ago, egg freezing was pitched as a last-ditch option for people nearing their fertility expiry date (a dreadful term). These days, it’s just as common to see a 26-year-old talking about having it done.
The reality of egg freezing, however, is less easy breezy than many might imagine. Head to the comments sections of almost all these videos, and you’ll see, among the “I’m doing this too!” solidarity and the success stories, voices whose experiences haven’t been quite the dream we’ve been sold.
“There seems to be this promise that this is a thing that you ought to do, and it will solve your problem,” says Alison Motluk, the editor of HeyReprotech, a newsletter that tracks and examines the assisted reproduction industry and a journalist who has been reporting on the topic for 15 years. “That worries me.”
To be clear: Motluk believes that egg freezing is a “fine choice” for some, and that the technology itself is extraordinary. “It’s just that you should know as much as possible about it before you make that decision, because for most people, it’s not a fine choice,” she says.
Here are some of the hurdles: First, there’s the cost. Currently, no Canadian provincial or territory health plan covers elective or “social” egg freezing, although Ontario covers one round of IVF if you’re under 43. Unless you work for a tiny handful of companies, it’s unlikely that your employee benefits, should you have them, include egg freezing. Ball park figures for the initial egg extraction process hover around the $10,000 mark, and may not include the drugs you’ll have to take, which, unless you have insurance, you’ll pay out of pocket for. Then there’s storage for the eggs, which can run $300 to $500 a year.
And that’s per cycle,” adds Motluk, pointing out that you may need to undergo several rounds of egg retrieval to get “enough” eggs. Most fertility doctors recommend freezing 12 to 15 eggs for the best chance of later having one child. If you’re older than 35, this number goes up. If you do three rounds of egg retrieval, each stored at, say, $400 a year, could mean you’re paying $1,200 a year just in egg storage.
“And you’re not done yet,” says Motluk. “These eggs are frozen. They’re not just going to give them back to you and you’ll use them on your own.” The only way to use those eggs you’ve preserved is through a process such as IVF, which comes with a whole set of costs of its own.
On the subject of storage, one woman who’d frozen her eggs but didn’t end up needing them to conceive in the end — a common outcome — detailed the dilemma of what to do with those eggs that she didn’t need in a recent New York Times article. She wasn’t actually sure where her eggs were being stored. “I think maybe Illinois?” she said.
Another thing many people don’t realize is that egg freezing includes a lot of medical intervention. “It’s not nothing, like putting coins away for the future. It is arduous,” says Motluk. As she unscientifically describes it, the procedure involves “a doctor poking a hole through your vagina into your ovary and using a needle to suck eggs out of the follicles.”
This process — which doesn’t actually work for everyone, by the way — also involves taking drugs to encourage your body to produce eggs. That can result in “ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome,” something that you’ll see described in comments sections about egg freezing. If that happens, your ovaries swell and can become incredibly painful, and in severe cases it could land you in hospital.
“What I’ve heard is that the drugs can be pretty intense for some women; they can make you very moody, very bloated, and some women feel quite bad for a couple days afterward,” says Motluk who has spoken with egg donors and women giving eggs to their spouses about this egg retrieval stage. She has also spoken to women who “didn’t feel a thing,” like one who went to Walmart after her retrieval. “But you don’t know which woman you’re going to be.”
For those who need medical reproduction assistance, this technology is nothing short of miraculous. “But if you’re a fertile woman, you must ask yourself, ‘Why would I spend all this money and go through all this intervention if my body can do this with sex?’” says Motluk. “Especially if you’re a heterosexual woman, and if you’re not, you could do it on your own with a syringe or with a cup.” (Of course, this is easier said than done.)
There’s also no guarantee any of this will result in a baby, especially if you’re over 35 when you freeze your eggs. The “live birth” outcomes of egg freezing are similar to having IVF at an equivalent age, according to a 2022 study published in the medical journal Fertility and Sterility. It found that 39 per cent of women between 27 and 44 (most of whom were between 35 and 40 when they froze their eggs) had at least one baby using their eggs. Across all ages, women who thawed over 20 mature eggs had a “live birth rate” of 58 per cent, which the researchers note was “profound and unexpected,” especially since it included 14 women who’d frozen their eggs between 41 and 43.
Still, it doesn’t quite equate to the “insurance policy” positioning you often hear in relation to egg freezing; the idea that as long as you’ve got those “good eggs” from when you were younger, you’ll be able to have a baby when the time comes.
“This is not an insurance policy,” says Motluk. “It’s more like investing in crypto. Maybe it will pay off, or maybe it will be nothing. It’s a risk.” After all, egg freezing is a relatively new technology with plenty of research still to be done; it only shed the “experimental” label in Canada in 2014.
For Dr. Gail Robinson, a professor of psychiatry and obstetrics / gynecology at the University of Toronto, it comes down to informed consent — about the process, the cost, and the notion that a baby is assured at the end of it all. “There’s never a guaranteed pregnancy,” she says, whether you’re having sex to get pregnant or using fertility treatments. “It’s very important that people understand all the potential downsides and risks.”
Robinson, whose work focuses on reproductive psychology, points out that demographic and social changes have made egg freezing an increasingly attractive proposition. The average age of Canadian mothers at childbirth has been over 30 and rising since 2010.
“Women do have this door that’s gradually closing.”
“Whether they’re building careers or enjoying their freedom for a while, people are putting off having children,” Robinson says. “For guys, that’s fine because they can have no issues with fertility for a long time, but women do have this door that’s gradually closing.”
According to the stats, she adds, women over 40 have a “slim to nil” chance of having a baby using their own eggs, without using fertility treatments. (Around 20 per cent of people will struggle with fertility, no matter their age.) “What are women supposed to do? You either decide that you don’t care if you ever have children, or you marry just anybody in order to get pregnant and have a child, or you plan to have children on your own,” says Robinson. “[Egg freezing] at least keeps the possibility alive that you could get pregnant,” she says. “[People] should understand that it is just a possibility, not a guarantee. As long as they are informed, then they’re allowed to make that choice.”
Robinson has observed that younger women experience a “freeing effect” from freezing their eggs, alleviating that pressure of feeling everyone else around you is having babies. “I don’t think it should be painted as exploitative,” she concludes. “Women aren’t randomly doing this. They’re considering their situation, looking forward, and they feel this leaves them with an option.”
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