Interview: Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau On Their New Star Wars Movie, Ahsoka, and More

The Star Wars canvas keeps getting bigger for Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni, the dynamic duo behind the success of The Mandalorian. During Star Wars Celebration, Kathleen Kennedy took to the stage to formally announce Dave Filoni’s Star Wars movie, which will be set during The New Republic. For Filoni and Favreau, it’s the “next logical step” and a case of “where the rubber hits the road,” though they’re hesitant to call it a finale for The Mandalorian.

In a new interview with IGN, which you can watch below, Filoni and Favreau talk about the new project; their evolving understanding of how to approach the Star Wars universe, and Filoni’s giant whiteboard featuring the Star Wars timeline. Read on for the full interview below, then check out our conversation with LucasFilm head Kathleen Kennedy as well as everything announced during Celebration.

IGN: Yeah. And I want to address the big news of the day for you, Dave. You’re directing a movie. Why did you decide it was time to take on a feature?

Dave Filoni: I think the story just escalated to the point where John and I were talking about it and we’ve had a plan for a while. And I think that I’ve learned so much and it’s something that I’m very eager to try. I’ve really enjoyed working in live action and teaming up with Jon and Kathy. It’s such a great place to hone your skills.

And it just seems like the next logical step. The story also I think has, like I said, grown to a point that we want to expand a bit and do a little bit of a bigger thing than we’ve been doing on our streaming shows. And it just presents a different structure than episodic series, making a film. So I’m looking forward to the challenge of it while still being partnered with this guy. So it’s going to be hopefully the same brand of excitement that people are used to from what we’ve been making.

IGN: And we actually talked to Kathy earlier and she said something about, this has been in the making for you for six or seven years. Is this something that you had in mind from the beginning?

Dave Filoni: I think in certain ways, yes. But it’s definitely developed out of the stories we’ve 

been doing.

Jon Favreau: Yeah. We knew the story would culminate. You have little culminations that come with each season. You have characters and things that thread in and out, especially with multiple seasons… multiple series happening in the same timeframe. And you’re dealing with characters, especially on Ahsoka and The Mandalorian… you’re seeing it kind of from a ground-level perspective. If you’re catching glimpses of characters or things that are happening in the galaxy, you’re kind of seeing it through the eyes of somebody who doesn’t really have a lot of context.

But in the case of Ahsoka, she’s a character who’s been around long before her appearance on the Mandalorian, dnd also as we’re dealing with Bo-Katan. These are characters with a lot of political implications to what’s happening in the meta-narrative in Star Wars, and those characters and these storylines start to demand that you deal with larger forces and bigger trends within that time period.

So at a certain point the rubber is going to hit the road in many ways. And the fact that now audiences will accept a permeability between media, which I think has been, as you see with the Star Wars films and with the Marvel films…Audiences are very sophisticated now, and if they’re invested in the characters and the stories, you can tell types of stories in one medium that you can’t with the other. There are certain limitations you have with cinema because we have a lot of narrative structure to deal with, with the amount of minutes that we do each season….But with a movie, you have to make sure that it all kind of comes to a head and resolves in that two hour period.

So at a certain point the rubber is going to hit the road in many ways.

IGN: So we’ve talked about Mandalorian and Ahsoka and how all these shows kind of intersect. And you did mention that this will take place during the Mandalorian timeline. So could the movie be kind of considered almost like a Mandalorian finale?

Dave Filoni: I don’t know if I’d call it that as such. I think of the time period now as the New Republic time period, and it’s something that has existed long before we were ever making the Mandalorian. The idea that after Return of the Jedi there was a New Republic, and that the heroes still had to defend that Republic from the remnant Empire is a very old idea that we brought into the first season of the Mandalorian. Because it’s what was always there.

So as we’ve gone along, I’ve kept a very large diagram whiteboard timeline. And as we build the story, I show it to Jon and I’m like, “If we do this…”…It’s almost like a crime scene…We could lead to this. And then that could mean we could do this.” And he said, “Well, what about this?” I’m like, “Yes. Well, let’s put that up there.” And so a lot of times we can move them and keep it movable.

Jon Favreau: And we have to keep checking between our shows as I’m watching and we’re looking at scripts. Sometimes it’s not as obvious in the script until you start to see it. The writing process always continues all the way till you’re done, because you always have insights that the story tells you. And so as we’re laying the stuff out, because then we have what exists in canon. 

And we also have stuff we love to pull in from Extended Universe…Legends. There are certain stories and characters that people have connected very, very much with over the years that might not officially be part of what is considered official Star Wars, but because it’s so much a part of the Star Wars community, and as Dave did with Clone Wars, bringing those elements in because they already feel like they’re running parallel to it…And again, trying to bring together Star Wars as much as we can and make it all align in a way that feels satisfying and decisive.

IGN: And kind of on that note of bringing all together these characters from all these different media. In the Mandalorian clip that we saw in the panel, there was a mention of Thrawn

Jon Favreau: Yes.

IGN: Who we know is going to be very important to Ahsoka. So can we expect Mandalorian season three to basically lead right into Ahsoka Season 1?

Jon Favreau: Yeah. Dave, is that what we can expect?

Dave Filoni: No, I would say no. I don’t think so. I wouldn’t look at it that way. I think that as much as these shows are tangential to one another and in the same time period, I think it’s important that you can watch them on their own…So, in the same way that if you’ve seen the episode, The Jedi, in Mandalorian…you’re going to get a little bonus like, “Oh, I understand what’s going on from the get-go.”

But you’re still going to understand what’s going on because we picked up A New Hope at episode four. So Star Wars to us…we came in the middle of it. So there is a kind of history in Star Wars of just diving right into the story. So I really do dive right into the story with Ahsoka. But I know more about it because of the work of Mandalorian.

We never want to create a situation where you feel like you have to have seen these things because then you’re missing out. I don’t know how fans feel, but if you have to have seen Clone Wars to understand Ahsoka… No. You don’t have to have seen that. Does it help? Will you know more and understand more? Sure. If you haven’t checked it out, you can, thanks to Disney Plus. It’s right there.

Jon Favreau: Well, that’s the other thing.

Dave Filoni: It’s a different world now.

Jon Favreau: It’s interesting how it changes…I know when I watch a show, sometimes especially if a show hasn’t been on for a year or more, I’ll watch recaps. There are certain YouTubers that I’ll watch who will walk me through it, in addition to content that’s being put out by the networks or the studios that are doing it too.

So I think the audiences are tremendously sophisticated now. But I think what Dave is saying is important is you should be able to just drop in, watch something. If I’m there with somebody who’s never watched before and they just want to watch this series, we make sure that they can get it. But I think that there’s always a sense that if I knew more, I would understand the context of that. 

And then we also have what happened previously on the shows too, which helps kind of contextualize what you’re going to see. But I think, again, there are people who’ve been involved with Star Wars for so many decades and you want them to benefit from the experience. You want to acknowledge what they’ve done and make it that if you’ve put that time in… that we’re going to respect that.

Dave Filoni: Respect the investment. Yeah. And it’s neat because now hopefully if you like any one of these shows, you go,’Oh, this is relevant to that.’ And you get to enjoy more. Because I know when I was a kid, if Clone Wars existed when I saw New Hope, I’d have gone right and watched that. Because Obi-Wan Kenobi talks about it. And I was like, “Dad, what is this? Why are you showing me episode four? Where’s one, two, and three?” And he’s like, “There is no one, two, and three.” “That doesn’t make any sense, dad.” And so now we live in a world where those kids can get those answers immediately.

Jon Favreau: And they come in through different… We assume everybody saw the original trilogy first, but that’s not the case anymore. A lot of people watch Clone Wars first. A lot of people watch the prequels. It depends where you grew up. It’s like music. And so it all has to line up. And ideally it’s working for each of those different groups of audience members.

Dave Filoni: Something for everyone, too.

Jon Favreau: Something for everybody. Yeah.

IGN: Yeah. And it’s funny that you mentioned the previously on, because I’ve noticed those are so tailored to the episode you’re about to see, which I think is interesting.

Jon Favreau: That’s something we’ve inherited. I mean, I learned a lot. Like Game of Thrones, because they had so many storylines. It also creates an expectation around it. You start to anticipate, “Oh, who is this? What is this?” And then sometimes it fulfills it. Sometimes it just goes a whole completely different direction. And I love that about that show that I never knew what to expect.

IGN: And I kind of want to talk more about that kind of interconnectivity. In the Book of Boba Fett you had Din and Grogu make their big reunion in that show. So that was kind of a bold move at the time. In hindsight, do you think that’s something you might do more of?

Jon Favreau: I think it was a very particular set of circumstances where we were not on the air for two years. And that amount of time, we wanted that amount of time to pass in the show basically, give or take. And you also had the central dynamic of the show with those two characters, and that either of them alone were not going to be fulfilled. So we got to play that out as a chapter in that book. And then were able to come back into a dynamic where they could be rejoined together, which would allow for the storytelling. 

I don’t know how I would’ve been able to tell stories without those… having separate storylines with two of them over a long time. showing how both of them were not flourishing. That they were both in this imbalanced state. Because although it’s interesting to watch the two of them alone, you definitely got the sense that they weren’t doing as well as they could have. That this was not their destiny.

And so it allowed us to allow a lot of that time to pass off camera, but also level up, change them both. Especially with Grogu, where now you’ve spent time training with Luke Skywalker, and how that will affect the way that character can be. The relationship will develop in that de facto parent, child dynamic. It offered a lot of opportunity to not just keep repeating the same stories. And then also as things evolved in the galaxy around them. So it wasn’t just the same adventure over and over again. But again, getting to plug into larger narratives that do connect with other shows as well.

IGN: Yeah. And I think you’ve been involved with Stars for a long time, but I think these past three to four years with the implementation of Disney Plus. I mean, that was kind of the beginning of a new era for Star Wars, I would say. So what’s the most important thing you both have learned from, again, those past three to four years?

Dave Filoni: Well, I mean, for me it’s creatively I think managing the story and all these different characters, which I’ve been doing in Clone Wars, but it’s just a little different in live-action… Working with the performers is different. So on a personal level, it’s been exponential learning, every time I do an episode. or am helping guide other episodes, or working with the other episode directors. I mean, again, the position I’m in, I get to watch so many incredible creatives work behind the camera. And I came into it really, our freshman class of directors, which were so great…And [Deborah Chow] went off and did Obi-Wan…And so I think that people always look at the characters and the story.

And it’s true. You can see the growth there and how now there are these different series which episodically take a larger space. But we have so many more creatives now that are getting educated and experienced working in the galaxy far, far away. And I think that speaks very well to the future of everything we’re doing. You kind of see the outcome of that today where… look at the creative lineup we have. Not just the stories they’re telling, but like [Star Wars Acolyte creator Leslye Headland]. I’ve talked with her and her love of Star Wars, which is so exciting.

It’s so exciting to see people coming into this. So as it’s evolved and changed, I think there’s a confidence growing because people are getting to come in and do an episode. One episode. And try an episode. Right? For me, doing an episode was infinitely easier to absorb and understand than if I had to start doing a movie.

In a lot of ways, I would think years ago I was trying to crack, “So how do I take Ahsoka in live action?” And it was going to be a movie. Because pretty much the only outlet for live-action would’ve been cinematic. But as streaming becomes available, you start to think, “Okay, so let me think of this episodically.” Which for me made a lot more sense because I’ve been doing nothing but episodic for years. And Mandalorian kind of opened this door to say, live action, episodic, Star Wars television. Which when I was a kid, I would’ve killed for that. I mean, I’d watch that every week. So it’s really fulfilling something we liked.

Jon Favreau: There’s so much more room to experiment too with new filmmakers. Because Dave had never done live-action before, and look at the learning curve. So quickly from having that collaborative environment, doing a few episodes here. Also writing. Me learning to write from him for Star Wars. And then you could try something different for an episode. Because if it fits within the context of the whole season, that’s where you start to feel where you can go.

You know, Peyton Reed coming in for the finale of season two. And the excitement that he had that he was going to get to tell this part of the story. Or Robert Rodriguez bringing his energy and his brand of action and fun and excitement around the reintroduction of the character of Boba Fett. And then the series. And each one brings something different.

And we’re lucky that not only do we get to see it here at the Star Wars Celebration, looking at the trailer for Acolyte, hearing about other shows that are coming together. Andor. It’s super exciting. But then also to be part of that collaborative group within this interconnected time period where we have all these filmmakers and different storytellers and writers and actors. Dave is saying something that’s very true. As somebody who comes from movies moreso is, “Here’s what we’re making, here’s how we’re going to do it, here’s when it’s done by. Here’s what our budget is.” And sometimes you’re right, sometimes you’re wrong. But everything, all your chips are on one number. With TV, you get to collaborate, you could take chances on different tones, you could take different chances on people who might be less experienced, but could also bring a lot to it.

There’s so much more room to experiment too with new filmmakers.

And so we’ve worked with a lot of people like Dave and Peter Ramsey who come from animation who’ve completely enriched the way we approach storytelling. Because they come in with a very visual, front-loaded sense of how you’re going to approach a story. Then you deal with somebody like Rick Famuyiwa, myself, Lee Isaac Chung…we come more from the independent side. We started off in lower budget films where you’re coming at it more from what you are shooting and how you put it together.

You don’t have that kind of planning, but you start to bring everybody together. And now we start to share the best of each and we develop our own version of how it goes. And then the technologies that we… Of course from ILM, but also the stuff that I’ve been working on before with Jungle Book and Lion King. And now all of a sudden you’ve got a whole ecosystem around it where you’re learning and developing techniques and you’re all checking on each other’s stories and how it’s being handled.

And ultimately you have people like [art director Doug Chiang] who’ve been around for a long time with Star Wars, who you can go to and say, “This seems fun. Does this feel right?” And they could be like, “I’d stay away from that because people are going to think that with that. They’re going to connect with that. But you might want to look at this.”

Dave Filoni: Because now we have so many things that you’ve got to make sure everything is special and protect people’s ideas and protect the uniqueness of things.

Jon Favreau: It’s a big deal that everybody feels that they have their room to do their thing. And Dave has been really great about not stifling. But to say, “Hey, I see what you’re doing. I don’t know if that’s how you do it, but have you ever…” Or point you in a direction of other areas to look at…And also what the relationship of the fans are with the stuff from all of those Extended Universe materials, to the point that we had the Hasbro stormtrooper transport at the end of season one.

<strong>The Imperial Stormtrooper Transport. Image source: Wookiepedia</strong>
The Imperial Stormtrooper Transport. Image source: Wookiepedia

Dave Filoni: Great toy.

Jon Favreau: It was a great toy that was never something from the film. But it was just made up.

Dave Filoni: It was in my mind.

Jon Favreau: And we made it, we brought it in. And those are the fun things we like to do and we can do. And a lot of it is because it’s a streaming show. We can try things here and there and experiment a lot.

This interview has been edited for clarity.

Kat Bailey is a Senior News Editor at IGN as well as co-host of Nintendo Voice Chat. Have a tip? Send her a DM at @the_katbot.

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