Every single Highway Code rule change REVEALED; how to avoid a £1k fine

THERE are major changes happening to the Highway Code from next week

The new rules are split into three main categories and ultimately aim to improve safety for pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders.

The first change is to the “hierarchy of road users”; a concept that has been brought in to rank those who are at a higher risk in the event of an accident.

The next rule change is aimed at horse riders and cyclists too. If a pedestrian is waiting to cross at a junction and a driver is turning, they must give way to the pedestrian.

Another major change is around the clarity of where cyclists are able to ride on the road. Now, it is acceptable for cyclists to ride in the centre of the road, in some situations.

Next is the Dutch Reach; a safe way of opening your car door from the inside. If you are the driver, you must now reach across your chest with your left arm to open the door rather than using the hand nearest the door.

Finally, mobile phones are not allowed to be used at any point while at the wheel, including when stuck in traffic and when stopping at red lights. Taking photos and videos, scrolling through a playlist and playing games will also be prohibited.

The only exception to these changes is if you need to use your phone to pay for goods at a drive-through or paying for a toll, but only while the car is stationary.

Changes to the Highway Code are due to come into force on 29 January, so it’s important you’re aware of them.

Read our Highway Code live blog below for the latest news and gossip…

  • Will you be fined for breaking the new rules?

    The Highway Code is being revamped with changes kicking in from January 29, 2022.

    Drivers that break the new rules will not necessarily be fined for doing so, but they could be fined if breaching the rules results in you falling into any of the categories in the Highway Code penalty table.

    The penalty table lists the possible offences drivers could commit with the maximum penalty and points that could be handed out.

  • More driving news you need to know

  • The lack of official publicity is “frustrating”

    Provisional DfT figures show 4,290 pedestrians and 4,700 cyclists were killed or seriously injured in crashes on Britain’s roads in the year to the end of June 2021.

    Duncan Dollimore, head of campaigns at charity Cycling UK, said the changes to the Highway Code will happen “overnight” so the lack of official publicity is “frustrating”.

    This “helps no-one”, he warned. “Neither the walkers and cyclists the rules are meant to protect, nor the drivers who are somehow meant to telepathically know about them.”

  • Three extra “H” rules have been brought in

    A “hierarchy of road users” will be brought into place, ranking road users depending on who would be most at risk in terms of an accident.

    Larger vehicles, such as HGVs, are the least at risk but cyclists are the second highest, only after pedestrians who are deemed the most vulnerable.

    Three extra “H” rules have been brought in to clarify the hierarchy.

    Rule H3, aimed at drivers and motorcyclists, says: “You should stop and wait for a safe gap in the flow of cyclists if necessary. This includes when cyclists are: 

    • approaching, passing or moving off from a junction 
    • moving past or waiting alongside stationary or slow-moving traffic 
    • travelling around a roundabout 

    Extra clarity has been set out in rule 186 of The Highway Code to reflect any changes.

    No longer will drivers be able to overtake cyclists as they are going around a roundabout.

    They must also make sure they are giving cyclists plenty of room.

  • £100 fine for not wearing correct shoes whilst driving in the winter

    Thicker boots may keep your feet warm in the snow but they could get you into trouble and you with a heavy fine if you drive in them.

    While wearing inappropriate shoes to drive isn’t technically illegal, careless driving due to unsuitable footwear can get you into trouble.

    Rule 97 of the Highway Code states that before heading off on a drive, you must ensure that “clothing and footwear do not prevent you using the controls in a correct manner”.

    If you are stopped by the police for careless driving and they decide your footwear caused the problem, you can face up to a £100 on-the-spot fine plus penalty points on your licence.

    If you do need heavier boots for snow or cold weather conditions when you’re out and about, it’s best to take an additional, safer pair of shoes to drive in too.

    This is a general rule and not part of the new changes.

  • Will you be fined for breaking the new rules?

    The Highway Code is being revamped with changes kicking in from January 29, 2022.

    Drivers that break the new rules will not necessarily be fined for doing so, but they could be fined if breaching the rules results in you falling into any of the categories in the Highway Code penalty table.

    The penalty table lists the possible offences drivers could commit with the maximum penalty and points that could be handed out.

  • New Highway Code rule means you could be fined £200 

    Texting and calling are already banned but now, using your phone at all while driving can see you slapped with a fine.

    Transport security Grant Shapps announced the plans for the rule change in November 2021.

    A few grey areas in the rules do not specify whether using your phone to take photos or videos is allowed.

    Rule 149 in the current version of The Highway Code says: “You MUST NOT use a hand-held mobile phone, or similar device, when driving or when supervising a learner driver, except to call 999 or 112 in a genuine emergency when it is unsafe or impractical to stop.”

    But under the new version, The Highway Code will change to reflect that using a phone at the wheel will be strictly prohibited.

    This includes using your mobile while stuck in traffic or when stopping at a red light.

    Those drivers that like to snap pictures, take videos, play games and scroll through playlists will also be at risk of a fine.

  • New hierarchy explained

    There will be a “hierarchy of road users” in the new version of the Highway Code.

    The pyramid will be based on the idea that those who can do the greatest harm – for example, lorry drivers – have the greatest responsibility to avoid hurting others.

    Pedestrians, and especially children, the elderly and other vulnerable people, will be at the top.

    They’ll be followed by cyclists, horse riders, motorcyclists and cars, with vans, HGVs and buses at the bottom.

    Generally the bigger and heavier you are. the more responsibility you have to those smaller and more vulnerable than you.

    It means that it will be clearer who’s at fault, though there are no new offences under the guidance.

  • Highway Code wording explained

    MUST/MUST NOT – Legal requirements, and you’re committing a criminal offence if you disobey these rules.

    Should/Should not/ Do/Do not – Advisory wording, and may be used in evidence in court proceedings to establish liability.

  • Seven top tips to reduce your car insurance costs

    Just because the average car insurance premium has shot up more than 10%, doesn’t mean there aren’t plenty of easy ways to cut the cost of your cover.

    Switch and save

    This is less lucrative than it used to be as insurance providers are no longer allowed to offer introductory deals to new customers.

    But you can still cash in by switching and saving – as long as you do it stat.

    Not all firms have hiked their prices yet.

    Compare the Market estimate the average saving you can get by switching to the cheapest insurance deal is now £127 – up from £95 this time last year.

    Gibbs said: “The savings available to customers looking to switch could reduce significantly as more insurers hike their prices.

    “If your policy is coming up for renewal, it is a good idea to shop around for a better deal as soon as possible.”

  • What is the Highway Code?

    The Highway Code is a set of information, rules, laws advice and guides that road users in the United Kingdom must follow.

    The Highway Code’s objective is to promote road safety and the Code applies to all road users including pedestrians, horse riders, cyclists, motorcyclists and drivers.

    Many of the rules are laws and if you are caught breaking them you could land yourself a fine.

    The Highway Code Official websites says: “Many of the rules in The Highway Code are legal requirements, and if you disobey these rules you are committing a criminal offence.

    “You may be fined, given penalty points on your licence or be disqualified from driving. In the most serious cases you may be sent to prison. Such rules are identified by the use of the words ‘MUST/MUST NOT’.”

  • Will you be fined for breaking the new rules?

    The Highway Code is being revamped with changes kicking in from January 29, 2022.

    Drivers that break the new rules will not necessarily be fined for doing so, but they could be fined if breaching the rules results in you falling into any of the categories in the Highway Code penalty table.

    The penalty table lists the possible offences drivers could commit with the maximum penalty and points that could be handed out.

  • What is the penalty for speeding?

    The minimum penalty a driver can expect for speeding is a £100 fine and three points on their licence.

    You may be offered a speed awareness course instead of the points on your licence, but you would have to pay for it.

    If you a caught speeding, you will be sent a Notice of Intended Prosecution (NIP) and a Section 172 notice.

    You must send the Section 172 notice back within 28 days, telling the police who was driving the vehicle.

    From there, you will be sent either a Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) or a letter telling you to go to court.

    If summoned to court, you may have to pay a larger fine.

    The fine is usually a percentage of your weekly income, up to the amount of £1,000.

    This is a general rule and not part of the new changes.

  • When do the new laws come in to effect?

    The Highway Code is being revamped with changes kicking in from January 29, 2022.

    There are a raft of new rules that all road users need to be aware of – or they risk fines and penalty points on their licence.

    As part of the changes, both cyclists and pedestrians will get extra power on the roads.

    Plus, vehicles will have to give way in new places.

  • Giving way to pedestrians

    Drivers must give way to pedestrians at junctions.

    The Highway Code will state: “At a junction you should give way to pedestrians crossing or waiting to cross a road into which or from which you are turning.”

    Motorists must also let pedestrians cross if they are stuck in traffic or slowly moving.

  • Who gets priority at roundabouts?

    Cyclists and will now be given priority at roundabouts.

    Drivers will not be able to overtake cyclists as they make their way around the roundabout.

    Rule 187 of the Highway Code states: You [drivers] should give priority to cyclists on the roundabout. They will be travelling more slowly than motorised traffic.

    “Give them plenty of room and do not attempt to overtake them within their lane. Allow them to move across your path as they travel around the roundabout.

    “Cyclists, horse riders and horse drawn vehicles may stay in the left-hand lane when they intend to continue across or around the roundabout and should signal right to show you they are not leaving the roundabout.

    “Drivers should take extra care when entering a roundabout to ensure that they do not cut across cyclists, horse riders or horse drawn vehicles in the left-hand lane, who are continuing around the roundabout.”

  • Can I get fined for hitting a cyclist with a car door?

    The term “dooring” is when a driver or a passenger of a car hits a cyclist with their car door when opening it.

    It is a punishable offence and the offender can get fined up to £1,000 but no points can be added to their drivers licence.

  • No using your phone at the wheel

    Mobile phones are not allowed to be used at any point while at the wheel.

    This includes when stuck in traffic and when stopping at red lights.

    Taking photos and videos, scrolling through a playlist and playing games will also be prohibited.

    The only exception to these changes is if you need to use your phone to pay for goods at a drive-through or paying for a toll, but only while the car is stationary.

    Using your phone behind the wheel can get you a £200 fine and six penalty points on your licence.

    If you’ve passed your test in the past two years to the offence, you will lose your licence.

    There is a possibility that you could be summoned to court for using you phone while driving.

    This could enforce a fine of up to £1,000, £2,500 if you were driving a bus or lorry, plus being banned from driving.

  • Dutch Reach

    The Dutch Reach is a safe way of opening your car door from the inside.

    If you are the driver, you reach across your chest with your left arm to open the door rather than using the hand nearest the door.

    It would be the same for the passengers sitting in the front but they would reach across with their right arm.

    This is because the body will be forced to swivel around, helping you to see a cyclist, pedestrian or another vehicle coming from behind.

    Doing this helps you scope out your surroundings before opening the door, meaning there is a lower risk of hitting anyone.

  • Pedestrian rules

    The next rule change is aimed at horse riders and cyclists too.

    If a pedestrian is waiting to cross at a junction and a driver is turning, they must give way to the pedestrian.

    Rule H2 of The Highway Code says: “At a junction you should give way to pedestrians crossing or waiting to cross a road into which or from which you are turning.”

    This also applies if vehicles are stuck in traffic or moving slowly – they must let pedestrians cross the road and rule 151 has been revised to reflect this.

    On shared-use cycle paths between pedestrians and cyclists, cyclists are the ones that must give way to pedestrians.

    Pedestrians are also allowed to use cycle tracks unless there is a sign to say this is prohibited.

  • Hierarchy of road users

    The “hierarchy of road users” is a concept that has been brought in to rank those who are at a higher risk in the event of an accident.

    Those who are most vulnerable top the hierarchy and it’s no surprise that it’s pedestrians.

    The full hierarchy of road users is:

    1. Pedestrians
    2. Cyclists
    3. Horse riders
    4. Motorcyclists
    5. Cars/taxis
    6. Vans/minibuses
    7. Larger vehicles such as HGVs and buses
  • Can I get fined for parking on a red route road?

    It is possible to be fined for parking on red route roads.

    Those routes with double red lines means there is to be no parking on these roads, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

    Even if the road is quiet, you should not be parking there.

    Parking on a red routes double red lines is punishable by a Penalty Notice Charge (PCN) of £160.

    This amount was increased from £130 on January 17, 2022.

    If the fine is paid within 14 to 21 days, the exact timeframe will be specified on the PCN, it will be reduced to £80.

    Parking on a single red line can also earn you a fine.

    Not adhering to the local signs when parking can see you slapped with a fine.

    Elsewhere, drivers need to be aware of the new Highway Code rules coming into effect, with new rules affecting pedestrians and cyclists.

    Plus, a parking expert give The Sun their top tips to avoiding parking fines.

  • Do I need to tax my car if I’m not driving it?

    Any vehicle being kept on a public road must be taxed, even if it’s parked there and not being driven.

    If you are keeping a registered vehicle in a garage or on private land and not using it, it must be given a Statutory Off Road Notification (SORN).

    You can apply for a SORN online for free, but you must cancel it if you wish to drive the car again. Driving a vehicle with a current SORN notification could see you fined up to £2,500.

    The DVLA launched an advertising campaign in 2019 to warn drivers of the consequences of evading vehicle tax.

    Tim Burton, DVLA Head of Enforcement, said at the time: “It’s never been easier to tax your car, so there really is no excuse.

    “We would rather not have to clamp or remove vehicles, but this campaign highlights the consequences of not taxing a vehicle.

    “Having your vehicle clamped is expensive and inconvenient – and you could end up losing your car.”

  • What happens if I have no road tax?

    Police use Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) technology to detect cars without tax.

    If you are caught driving an untaxed vehicle, you could be fined up to £1,000.

    The DVLA also clamps vehicles on the street without a valid licence, and will impound them in some cases.

    When DVLA clamps an untaxed vehicle the motorist is charged a £100 release fee.

    If you can’t show that the vehicle has been taxed when it’s released you will have to pay a surety fee of £160 – but it’s refunded if you can show the vehicle has been taxed within 15 days.

    If the release fee is not paid within 24 hours, DVLA impounds the vehicle and the fee rises to £200, and there is also a storage charge of £21 per day.

    Again, a surety fee of £160 must be paid if you can’t show that the vehicle has been taxed.

  • Are there any exemptions to road tax?

    The DVLA allows tax exemptions for certain situations.

    Disabled drivers and those using disabled passenger vehicles don’t pay a road tax fee.

    Cars classified as “historic”, made before January 1 1981, are exempt.

    Electric vehicles also don’t have to pay vehicle tax but the electricity must come from an external source or an electric storage battery not connected to any source of power when the vehicle is moving to be exempt.

    Certain agricultural vehicles are also exempt.

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