Television actress Mohena Kumari Singh and her husband Suyesh Rawat have become parents for the first time. Mohena who is known for her role in Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai has given birth to a baby boy. The couple have kept everything in complete privacy. On February 16, 2022, Mohena had announced her pregnancy news. She had posted a picture with her husband Suyesh in which she had flaunted her baby bump. In the caption,she mentioned about her new journey and wrote: “Beginning of a new beginning. Sharing the Good News with All.”
The actress who has been active on social media about her pregnancy and even organised a virtual baby shower but has not revealed much details about the baby.
She appeared on ‘Dance India Dance’ and later assisted Remo D’Souza as an assistant choreographer on various projects such as ‘Student Of The Year’, ‘Dedh Ishquiya’, ‘Yeh Jawani Hai Deewani’ among others.
Mohena became a household name with the show ‘Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai’. She hails from a royal family, being the granddaughter of Maharaja Martand Singh of Rewa, Madhya Pradesh. Mohena got married to businessman and politician Suyesh on October 14, 2019.
All her fans are waiting to get a glimpse of the little munchkin.
-with IANS inputs
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