Yami Gautam recently got married to her Uri The Surgical Strike director Aditya Dhar and looks like this talented diva’s favourite colour is red. The actress was clicked at the airport this morning and we spotted her in a radiant avatar.
Yami Gautam was seen in a red Indian attire and the actress looked radiant in her desi avatar. The actress was on her way to jet off the city and made heads turn with her presence. Before leaving the actress surely posed for the paparazzi and was all smiles for the cameras.
Yami Gautam recently said in an interview that she loved her simple wedding and marriages are not meant to be an occasion that burns a hole in your wallet. Her radiant bridal attire won the internet’s hearts and it is said that the Saree she wore at her wedding belonged to her mother.
Yami Gautam has several films in her kitty and looks like her marriage is not going to stop her from enjoying her smooth run at the movies. She has Dasvi with Abhishek Bachchan and Nimrat Kaur. She is also said to be a part of Oh My God 2 which stars Akshay Kumar and Pankaj Tripathi.
Yami Gautam
Yami Gautam
Yami Gautam
Yami Gautam
Yami Gautam
Yami Gautam
Yami Gautam
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