WhatsApp unveiled multi-device support for Android and iOS users last month. This allows people to use their WhatsApp accounts on up to four devices and one phone simultaneously without an active internet connection. Now, the Meta owned instant messaging platform is reportedly working on a new feature that will allow users to add a secondary device as a companion for their primary phone with WhatsApp on it. With this, users can link their WhatsApp account to use it on another phone. This feature was reportedly spotted on the WhatsApp beta for Android update.
As per a report by WhatsApp features tracker WABetaInfo, the messaging service is expanding its multi-device support to secondary smartphones and tablets. The functionality will allow users to operate a single WhatsApp account on multiple devices. As mentioned, the WhatsApp beta for Android update includes the reference for the second version of the multi-device feature. The report includes a screenshot that shows up the interface while opening WhatsApp on a secondary mobile device. The screenshot includes a “Register Device as Companion” section, giving users an idea of what the feature might look like when it goes live.
Users may need to scan the QR code with the primary WhatsApp device to complete the linking of the messaging service to a secondary device or an Android tablet. However, the report also mentioned that this feature is under development. The feature may get updated before the final release.
Last month, WhatsApp announced multi-device support for all users. This allows both Android and iOS users to open their WhatsApp accounts on different devices to send and receive messages on the app simultaneously, even when their phones don’t have active Internet access. Users are not required to keep their phones connected to the Internet to access this functionality. However, the linked devices will get disconnected if the phone remains inactive for more than 14 days.
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