WhatsApp users who own multiple phones for work or personal use are now urged to download the popular chat app’s latest update. In a blog post, the company – owned by Meta – announced that they are now introducing the ability to use the same WhatsApp account on multiple phones. This is an area that WhatsApp has been paying special attention to, after an update last year offered users the ability to message seamlessly across all their devices while maintaining the same level of privacy and security.
The developers admitted that this feature had been highly requested by many users.
Now with this new update, you can link your phone as one of up to four additional devices, in the same as when you link with WhatsApp on web browsers, tablets and desktops.
For those worried about privacy, WhatsApp assured that each linked phone connects to the chat app independently, ensuring that your personal messages, media, and calls are end-to-end encrypted.
They added that if your primary phone that your account is linked to has been inactive for a long period, WhatsApp will automatically log you out of all companion devices.
They noted that this update will make messaging easier, allowing users to switch between devices without signing out, and letting users pick up their chats where they left off.
WhatsApp noted that this would be beneficial to small businesses, allowing additional employees to be able to respond to customers directly from their phones under the same WhatsApp Business account.
This update has started rolling out to users globally and will be available to everyone in the coming weeks.
In order to check whether your WhatsApp is up to date, simply head to the Google Play Store for Android and the Apple App Store for iOS.
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