In a sad state of affairs, Tollywood superstar Mahesh Babu’s mother Ghattamaneni Indira Devi passed away on Wednesday morning after a prolonged illness. She was 70. Indira Devi, who had been undergoing treatment at a leading hospital in the city since last week, breathed her last at home. A video has surfaced on the internet in which Mahesh Babu’s daughter can be seen crying inconsolably and looks devastated after the sudden death of her grandmother. In the video both Mahesh and his wife, Namrata can be seen trying to comfort Sitara as she cries. Mahesh also gives Sitara a tissue to wipe her tears. The video is being shared by the fans on Twitter. Sharing the clip, one of them wrote, “@urstrulyMahesh anna be strong we are all with you. #SitaraGhattamaneni got emotional with the sudden demise of her grandmother. Very hard to see like this. #Krishna garu #RIPIndirammaGaru #IndiraDeviGaru #IndiraDevi #MaheshBabu.”
Watch the video below:
Mahesh’s fans showered their love on the Ghattamaneni family and condoled the demise of his mother on social media platforms.
Several celebrities also mourned the demise. Tollywood Megastar Chiranjeevi was among the first to condole Mahesh Babu and Krishna. “Extremely sad to hear about the demise of Indira Devi garu. I convey my deepest condolences to Superstar Krishna garu, brother Mahesh Babu, and the family” he tweeted in Telugu.
Film industry bigwigs have been making a beeline to the Ghattamaneni family home to pay their respects to the deceased matriarch.
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Ghattamaneni Indira Devi is survived by her husband and veteran Telugu yesteryear star Krishna, her son Mahesh Babu, and three daughters.
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