Actor Vicky Kaushal hosted the screening of his upcoming film Sardar Udham which was attended by the whose who of the industry but what caught everyone’s attention was his rumoured girlfriend Katrina Kaif who was also there. The actress arrived in a super chick look donning a lavender-coloured hoodie, denim mini skirt teamed up with black leather boots. It was a treat for their fans to see them together as the couple hardly makes any public appearances together. Recently, a video of Katrina tightly hugging Vicky is going viral on social media and has been melting hearts of their fans. Indeed, as their fans said, ‘this is love’.
Both Katrina and Vicky look like a match made in heaven. In the video that is posted by a fan club of Vicky Kaushal and Katrina Kaif, there’s a moment when Katrina comes out of the screening and she hugs Vicky tightly and the smile on her face says it all. Sharing this adorable video, the fan club captioned it as, “Best day again Look at how he waited for her to come in and immediately hugged her tightly. can you also see the happy smile on her beautiful face? and how they interact, He pokes his girlfriend’s back, this is love. Thankyou Again Viksi and Kay.”
After watching the film, Katrina also took to her Instagram and penned what should be called an ‘honest review’ for Vicky’s performance in the Shoojit Sircar directorial movie.
Katrina Kaif and Vicky Kaushal are rumoured to be dating for a while now. However, the duo has never really spoken about their relationship status.
Also read: Taapsee Pannu ‘sincerely wishes’ Vicky Kaushal’s Sardar Udham goes as official entry to Oscars
Meanwhile, speaking about the movie, ‘Sardar Udham’ is a biopic on freedom fighter Sardar Udham Singh, who assassinated Michael O’Dwyer in 1940. He assassinated the former Lieutenant Governor of Punjab in British India to avenge the brutal killings of the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre in 1919. ‘Sardar Udham’, which also features Amol Parashar as Shaheed Bhagat Singh, has been released on Amazon Prime Video on October 16.
Also read: Sardar Udham Singh considered Bhagat Singh his Guru, kept a photo of his in his wallet
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