The much-in-love Varun Tej Konidela and Lavanya Tripathi are now engaged. The couple shared the first pictures from the engagement on Instagram at midnight. Their engagement was made official on June 8, after the family shared an official invite. The actors flaunted their rings in the recently dropped pictures. For the celebratory occasion, while Varun wore a white kurta pyjama, Lavanya looked gorgeous in a light green saree which she paired with traditional jewellery and kept her hair tied in a loose bun.
Sharing the pictures, Varun wrote on Instagram, “Found my Lav.” Lavanya posted the same pictures with the caption: “2016 (infinity sign) (heart emoji) Found my forever! @varunkonidela7.” Their close friends and family members attended the intimate ceremony. Varun Tej’s cousins and friends including– Ram Charan, Allu Arjun, Sai Dharam Tej, Panja Vaisshnav Tej and Allu Aravind, among others marked their presence at the engagement.
Moments before the engagement, Varun’s cousins Allu Arjun, Ram Charan, and superstar Chiranjeevi were spotted arriving at the residence. Upasana looked gorgeous in a green-hued silk saree flaunting her baby bump, and her hubby, Ram Charan was seen donning a white shirt. The shutterbugs also spotted Allu Arjun outside the venue.
According to reports, Varun and Lavanya are thinking of getting married in the winter of 2023. The duo has kept their relationship away from the media glares, and this is the reason why they have not talked about their wedding. Varun Tej and Lavanya Tripathi acted in a few films together, like Mister and Antariksham. They have reportedly been dating since 2017 and there was news that they would get married earlier, but it did not happen. A few months ago, Nagendra Babu had announced that his son would be getting married this year. He added that Varun himself would introduce the bride to the media.
n the set of Mister in 2017, Varun Tej first encountered Lavanya Tripathi. According to rumors, the couple became good friends while they were shooting for the movie. Their friendship eventually developed into love, and they started dating. The couple chose to remain secretive about their relationship, though.
On the professional front, Varun Tej’s next project will mark the directorial debut of Shakti Pratap Singh Hada. He will be seen as an Indian Air Force Pilot in it. Lavanya, on the other hand, will soon be seen in the Tamil film Thanal which is presently in its post-production stage.
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