Shah Rukh Khan’s Pathaan marks the return of the star to the big screen after four years of absence. The film has brought people together and sparked a festive mood in the country. The action-thriller is roaring at the box office and it has broken several records. Despite a drop, the film has now grossed Rs 656 crore in eight days worldwide.With Pathaan’s release, SRK has made a comeback in the box office business, as it has become his highest-grossing film in just under a week. While the film has received positive reviews, one Twitter user recently criticised Pathaan while praising Ayushmann Khurrana’s An Action Hero. After his tweet, the Badhaai Ho actor gave a witty reply.
On Thursday, a Twitter user took to the micro-blogging site and praised “An Action Hero,” saying she enjoyed everything about it, including the storyline and background music. She suggested watching “An Action Hero” instead of Shah Rukh Khan’s “Pathaan.”
Surprisingly, Ayushmann Khurrana reacted to her tweet. The actor acknowledged her appreciation for An Action Hero but expressed his displeasure to the fan’s criticism of Shah Rukh Khan’s Pathaan. He replied, “Thanks for loving An Action Hero. Could’ve avoided the first line though I’m an SRKian!”
However, this isn’t the first time Ayushmann has publicly declared his affection for King Khan. The actor previously had a fan moment when he walked past superstar Shah Rukh Khan’s sea-facing bungalow, Mannat, in Mumbai. The Bollywood actor took a moment to relish the SRK fan in him.
Turning to Instagram, Ayushmann shared a picture capturing the moment. He described it as, “Mannat se guzar raha tha. Toh ek mannat maang li. #AnActionHero #2ndDecember #SRKian.” In the picture, the ‘Dream Girl’ actor could be seen looking towards SRK’s bungalow and his fans gathered around his car. Take a look:
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