Tunisha Sharma Death: Television actor Tunisha Sharma on Saturday was found dead on the set of a serial in Vasai in Maharashtra’s Palghar district, a police official said. She was inn her early 20s. Tunisha went to the bathroom on the set during break time and did not return for quite long. When the door was broken down, she was found dead inside. Her show Ali Baba Dastaan E Kabul co-star Sheezan Khan has been taken into custody by the Police for questioning and all angles will be probed.
Tunisha Sharma Death: Investigation begins
Tunisha Sharma’s body was recovered at around 3 pm when the door of the bathroom’s door she went inside was broken down. She was taken to the hospital but did not survive. Her TV show Ali Baba Dastaan E Kabul co-star Sheezan Khan has been taken into custody for questioning by Valiv police authorities. An FIR has also been registered in the case by Tunisha’s mother. After her death on TV set on Saturday evening, the investigation is underway. Tunisha Sharma acted in several television serials. Ali Baba Dastaan E Kabul, which went on air in August, was her last show.
Read: Tunisha Sharma’s Instagram post hours before death shocks fans: ‘Those who are driven…’
Tubisha Sharma death: Was the TV actress pregnant
Was Tunisha Sharma pregnant? One of the theories floating around is that she was pregnant. According to sources, the actress was having an affair. According to the police, the news of the actress being pregnant has also come to the fore from social media and the boyfriend was not ready for marriage. This drove her to take this extreme step. On this question, the DCP said, “Truth will come out in the report. The boyfriend will be questioned. Whether there was pregnancy or not, it will be cleared from the post mortem report.”
Tunisha’s mother files complaint against Sheezan Khan
DCP has cleared that information is being collected about Tunisha Sharma’s boyfriend. The police will interrogate him as well. Valiv police will interrogate the boyfriend in the actress death case. The case is being registered on Tunisha’s mother’s complaint. Tunisha’s mother has accused the boyfriend, according to sources. She is believed to have said that Tunisha was troubled by her boyfriend and took this step of talking away her life. The police will go to the crime spot on Sunday. The post mortem report will also be out tomorrow.
Read: Tunisha Sharma’s life on set of her last show Ali Baba Dastaan E Kabul
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