Tripti Dimri grabbed eyeballs with her stellar performance in the supernatural thriller Bulbul. The actress recently starred in Qala, a psychological drama by Anvitaa Dutt, that featured actors in retro-themed costumes. Tripti being the protagonist of the Netflix movie was spotted in outfits that will take you back in time. She sported every outfit with elegance and oozed radiance as she gracefully fit into the mystique aura and channelled the inner diva of the ‘30s and ‘40s. Here’s a glimpse of some of her looks from her glamorous timeline-
Velvet was once one of the trendiest fashion elements. To instantly elevate any outfit, velvet was used due to its rich texture and colours available. In this photo, Tripti gives her outfit a regal upgrade by adding an exquisite deep purple-hued dupatta adorned with white detailings and motifs. She paired this dupatta with a pristine white kurti and white pants. She added stone-studded earrings to round off her look.
The pastel pink organza saree by itself looks stylish and very modern. It is the colour of the ensemble and the subtle makeup that will take you back to the era in which the movie is set. The saree has intricate work details and gota patti border, which she paired with a sleeveless blouse. She kept her jewellery and makeup to a bare minimum.
Another regal colour that serves as an instant throwback is the beautiful hue of grey. Tripti is draped in a sheer grey saree that is adorned with silver threadwork. The half-sleeved blouse and keyhole-type detail near the collarbone hogs all the limelight. To top it off, Tripti Dimri opted for minimal makeup and flawless skin.
Giving off Maharani vibes, Tripti donned a green-coloured 3/4th sleeve ruffled blouse and a shimmery flowy lehenga and a sheer dupatta. Her hair styled into fringes with a bun brings out a certain charm and sophistication. She accessorized herself with a pearl necklace to complete her look.
And finally, in this photo, Tripti Dimri captures the elements of the 30s and 40s with the colour, the styling of the outfit and the braided headband look. Sporting a deep steel-grey top and a brown wrap-around overcoat, she looked stunning. She chose a hairdo with fringes in the front, a braided headband pulled together in a bun.
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