Chris Hemsworth’s Thor Love and Thunder will be released in India on July 7 in English, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, and Malayalam. The much-talked MCU film had its world premiere in Los Angeles today. Also starring Natalie Portman, Christian Bale, Tessa Thompson the reactions by the early viewers suggest that the film will be a massive hit. There is never-ending love pouring in by fans on social media platforms. After Thor: Ragnarok in 2017, filmmaker Taika Waititi is returning to the direction for this project and fans cannot stop lauding him for giving them a spectacle. Ahead of the film’s release in India here are the early reviews of the film.
Erik Davis of Fandango has given a thumbs up to the film as he wrote, “#ThorLoveAndThunder is everything I wanted it to be. Big, colorful, weird Guns N’ Roses-fueled battles to go w/ a hopelessly romantic story about discovering love in unexpected places. Christian Bale & Russell Crowe are especially great. And Korg!”
Another user shared, “#ThorLoveAndThunder is absolutely AMAZING. It blows every other Marvel movie out of the water, and doubles down on the Ragnarok charm. A classic @TaikaWaititi joint, so many laughs and tears, with a moving narrative and beautiful visuals. And those post credits? OH MY GOD.”
Check out some more reviews below:
Chris’s ‘ Love and Thunder’ makes him the first Marvel actor to top line a fourth solo film.
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