The Kerala Story, headlined by Adah Sharma and directed by Sudipto Sen released in cinemas on May 5 amid several controversies. The film received mixed reviews from fans and critics alike. Many labelled it as a ‘propaganda film’, while some called it ‘fabulous’. In a new development, The Kerala Story has been declared tax-free in Madhya Pradesh. Also, CM stressed that the film which exposes the conspiracy of love jihad, conversion and terrorism, should be seen by all.
Earlier, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and Hindu organisations had demanded CM Chouhan to make The Kerala Story tax-free in the aforementioned stated. Following this, in a new tweet today, MP CM revealed that the film was indeed made tax-free.
In ‘The Kerala Story’, actress Adah Sharma plays the role of Fathima Ba, a Hindu Malayali nurse, who is among the 32,000 women who went missing from Kerala and were then recruited to the ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) after being forced to convert to Islam. ALSO READ: The Kerala Story Box Office Collection Day 1: Adah Sharma’s film edges out Guardians Of The Galaxy 3
The film highlights ‘Love Jihad’ propaganda, where Muslim men manipulate Hindu girls to convert to Islam and abandon their families. Speaking about the same, CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan said “The film The Kerala Story exposes the conspiracy of love jihad, conversion and terrorism and brings out its ugly face. This film tells how the daughters who get entangled in the web of love jihad due to sentimentality are destroyed. This film also exposes the design of terrorism and makes us aware of terror activities. In Madhya Pradesh, we have already enacted a law against religious conversion. Everyone should watch this film, parents should also watch it, children should also watch it, daughters should also watch it and therefore Madhya Pradesh government is making this film tax-free.
Meanwhile, the movie has generated enough buzz. Trade analysts are hopeful that the box office collection of ‘The Kerala Story’ is going be surprising and the movie is likely to enjoy a decent theatrical run. The film was in the scanner ever since the trailer released. Many demanded that the film should be banned. Following which, the description of the film’s trailer altered from being the ‘story of 32,000 women’ to that of three women just recently. ALSO READ: The Kerala Story Review: A brave and eye-opening issue that lacks direction and soul
Watch the trailer:
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