WhatsApp-rival Telegram is getting a new update that brings features like message reactions, themed QR codes, bigger emoji animations and more. The app is receiving its 12th update of the year that brings version 8.4.
Telegram has added message reactions to its app. They can now double tap a message to send a quick reaction. For more reactions, they can tap on the message and then hold on a message bubble. Each reaction appears with its own unique animation. Users can change the emoji for this quick reaction in the app under Settings > Stickers and Emoji > Quick Reaction.
The app is also getting support for “Spoiler Alert” messages. The feature will blur out selected portions of text until a user clicks on the option. Users can select the text they want to hide when typing a message. To do so, tap on B/I/U in the black popover menu, and tap Spoiler.
Telegram is also getting in-app translation support for messages. To enable translation, head to the Settings in the app, then choose the Language and Translate button to the context menu when selecting a message. Users can also exclude any languages they speak fluently. This will hide the translate button for those messages.
Translation is available on all Android devices that support Telegram, but requires iOS 15+ on Apple devices.
Telegram users will now be able to generate QR codes. The feature will be available for users that have a public username. This also works for groups, channels and bots. The app has also added new interactive emojis that can be shared in individual chats. Telegram has also redesigned all the context menus for macOS. It has added new shortcut hints and introduced animated icons for every single menu item in the app.
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