Apple finally fixes its ‘ducking’ autocorrect problem It’s about ducking time.Apple’s new iOS 17 operating system, which launches this… Read More...
Apple’s AI technology to make ‘ducking hell’… Apple has announced it will be using AI to detect when users want to swear in… Read More...
About ducking time: Apple to finally tweak iPhone autocorrect function One of the most notable happenings at Apple’s event for… Read More...
People are just realising there’s an easy trick to stop… WE all know how annoying it can be when your iPhone decides to autocorrect a word… Read More...
Correcting the autocorrect: Fixes to get those annoying spelling… It can be ducking annoying, no? As they say these days on social media #IYKYK or if… Read More...
iPhone owners are just realising there’s a trick to dodge… IF you're constantly having autocorrect issues on your iPhone maybe you should try a… Read More...