Telugu star Mahesh Babu on Tuesday dropped the trailer of Taapsee Pannu’s upcoming movie ‘Mishan Impossible’. What can be called a thriller, seems to have many interesting aspects, going by the trailer. Establishing three daring and dashing children, the trailer hints at the kind of movie fanatics they are. The kids start their journey of nabbing the underworld don Dawood Ibrahim, as they get to meet with multiple situations in these circumstances.
Sharing the video on her verified Instagram account, the actress wrote, The sweetest trailer of the ‘smallest’ film of the year #MishanImpossible Show these 3 rockstars some love! Film releasing on 1st April 2022 (sic).” Watch the video here!
Comedy has been an essential part of the ‘Mishan Impossible’ trailer, as the makers have maintained the wit throughout. The three kids introduce themselves as ‘Raghupati, Raghava, and Raja Ram’, they own Rajamouli’s ‘RRR’ title. Even though the situations are intense, the fun generated looks quite good in the trailer.
Taapsee, who can be assumed as the mentor for the kids is seen in a titular role. In some scenes, she can be spotted with a broken hand, as she gets involved in the case deeper.
With well-paced twists, the trailer intrigues as well as entertains. Produced by Matinee Entertainment, the movie has Harsh Roshan, Bhanu Prakshan, Jayateertha Molugu, Suhaas, Sandeep Raj in lead roles apart from Taapsee Pannu. The movie will hit screens on April 1.
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