Days after Malayalam actor Bhavana Menon broke her silence on her alleged sexual assault case that happened five years ago, Taapsee Pannu took to Instagram to question the state of justice for women in today’s time. “Still struggling for a basic right to judgement. 5 years! And then they say why women become too touchy about these topics,” she wrote.
For the unversed, Bhavana was reportedly kidnapped, attacked and molested in Kochi in 2017 and she had named actor Dileep as the main accused. In accordance with Indian law, her name and identity weren’t initially revealed to the public.
Last week, the Crime Branch wing of Kerala Police registered a case against actor Dileep and five others for allegedly threatening investigation officers in the sexual assault case of the actress. After the recent development in the case, Bhavana released a statement on her Instagram account. In the statement, she opened up about the horrific incident and how she faced humiliation over the years.
She wrote, “This has not been an easy journey. The journey from being a victim to becoming a survivor. For five years now, my name and my identity have been suppressed under the weight of the assault inflicted on me.”
“Though I am not the one who had committed the crime, there have been many attempts to humiliate, silence and isolate me. But at such times I have had some who stepped forward to keep my voice alive. Now when I hear so many voices speak up for me I know that I am not alone in this fight for justice,” she added.
“To see justice prevail, to get wrongdoers punished and to ensure no one else goes through such an ordeal again, I shall continue this journey. For all those who are standing with me- a heartfelt thank you for your love,” she concluded.
Several celebrities including Tanushree Dutta, Zoya Akhtar, Mohanlal, Mammootty, Nivin Pauly, Dulquer Salmaan, Tovino Thomas and others have come out in support of Bhavana Menon.
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