Ever since Shah Rukh Khan’s son Aryan Khan has been arrested by the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) in the Mumbai drug bust case on October 3, several Bollywood celebrities have shown their support to the actor and his family on social media. ‘I Stand With SRK’, ‘I am with Aryan Khan’, ‘With SRK’ became some of the top trends on Twitter since then. SRK’s fans are leaving no stone untuned to stand in solidarity with the megastar during these tough times.
Recently, a poem on SRK by writer Akhil Katyal is going viral on the internet. Akhil has talked about the characters that have been played by him over the years. He has expressed that the actor has the whole of India in him.
“Wo Kabhi Rahul hai, kabhi Raj
Kabhi Charlie toh kabhi Max
Surinder bhi wo, Harry bhi wo
Devdas bhi aur Veer bhi
Ram, Mohan, Kabir bhi
Wo Amar hai, Samar hai
Rizwan, Raees, Jehangir bhi
Shayad isliye kuch logon ke halak mein fasta hai
Ki ek Shahrukh mein pura hindustan basta hai”
The poem received massive support from his fans. Sharing the poem on Twitter, writer Kanika Dhillon agreed with Akhil’s words. “Yassss …how beautifully n aptly put… ek Shahrukh mein poora Hindustan basta hai!” she tweeted.
Filmmaker Ajitabha Bose tweeted, “Everything will be okay soon. Very soon. We srkians will always stand with you.”
Actress Swara Bhasker also shared the poem and showed her support for the actor.
Neeraj Ghaywan also retweeted Akhil’s poem. He quoted few lines from Dil Se’s title track. “Bandhan Hai Rishton Mein, Kaaton Ki Taarein Hain, Patthar Ke Darwaaze Deewaarein, Belein Phir Bhi Ugti Hain, Aur Guchchhe Bhi Khilte Hain, Aur Chalte Hain Afsaane, Kirdaar Bhi Milte Hain, Vo Rishtey Dil Dil Dil Thay,” he wrote and ended his post with ‘Love you @iamsrk! Dil se’.
Earlier, actors Pooja Bhatt, Raj Babbar, Hrithik Roshan, Sussanne Khan, Hansal Mehta and others also supported the father-son duo.
Also read: Mumbai Drug Bust LIVE Update: Imtiaz Khatri reaches NCB office; Aryan Khan’s bail plea hearing tomorrow
A total of 20 people, including two Nigerian nationals, have been arrested so far in the case related to the seizure of drug. In the high-drama rave party raid on October 2, the NCB had stated that it recovered drugs like 13 grams cocaine, 21 gms charas, 5 gms MD, and 22 MDMA pills in the operation from the accused, most of whom are linked to the glamour and entertainment industry.
Also read: Mumbai Drug Case: Who is Imtiaz Khatri? Film producer once again under NCB radar after SSR case
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