Marking 29 years since her iconic Miss Universe win, Sushmita Sen poured her heart out in a heartfelt note. Sharing a nostalgic throwback picture on Instagram, Sushmita reminisced about the incredible journey that began nearly three decades ago. She wrote, “This picture is exactly 29 years old, shot by the epic man & photographer #prabuddhadasgupta.”
She added, “In the rawness of this picture, he beautifully captured an 18 year old me…with a smile he said, you realise you’re the first Miss Universe I’ve ever shot…I proudly added, it’s actually INDIA’s first ever Miss Universe.”
“The privilege of representing & winning for my Motherland is an honour so profound, it brings me to tears of joy even today…29 years later!!!,” she continued.
She concluded her post and wrote, “I celebrate & remember this day with great pride as History bears witness, INDIA won Miss Universe for the first time ever on 21st May 1994 in Manila #philippines (Mahal Kita). #happy29thanniversary #missuniverse1994 #INDIA #yourstruly. Thank you all for the love, goodness, & the most beautiful messages…forever cherished!!! I love you guys!!!! #duggadugga.”
In 1994, Sushmita Sen made history by winning the prestigious Miss Universe title, triumphing over contestants from 77 countries. She became the first Indian woman to achieve this remarkable feat. Coincidentally, that same year, Aishwarya Rai was crowned Miss World, adding another feather to India’s crown in the world of beauty pageants.
See Also: Take a look at some rare unseen pics of Sushmita Sen from her modelling days
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