Sushmita Sen, former Miss Universe and Bollywood actress rang in her 47th birthday, today (November 19) with a cryptic post on social media. Over the years, she made headlines not only for her prolific films but also for her beautiful looks, for being a doting mother to two daughters and for standing for the right things. On the celebratory occasion, the Aarya actress shared a selfie on Instagram and expressed how the number 47 has been her constant companion for 13 years. Also, she hinted at something big is coming her way.
Sushmita Sen’s post
Taking to her Instagram, Sush dropped a gorgeous selfie and wrote “47 finally!!! A number that has consistently followed me for 13 years now!!! The most incredible year is on its way….I’ve known it a long time…and I am thrilled to finally announce its arrival!!! #duggadugga.I love you guys!!! #yourstruly #birthdaygirl#19thnovember #scorpio #yassssssss.”
Sushmita’s connection with 47 number has left many fans curious. “Are you getting married this year?” a social media user asked. “What do you mean by ‘a number that has consistenly followed me for 13 years’?” Another one commented. Many users chimed in the comment section to wish the ‘Aarya’ star a happy birthday.
Sushmita Sen’s Upcoming Projects
Meanwhile, Sushmita Sen was only 18 when she won the coveted title of Miss Universe. A Few years after winning Miss Universe, Sushmita ventured into movies. She starred in films like ‘Dastak’, ‘Biwi No.1’, ‘Main Hoon Na’, and ‘Maine Pyaar Kyun Kiya’. She took a break from Bollywood in 2015. The actress made her digital streaming debut with Aarya in 2020 and since then she has been consistently wowing the audience with her acting skills on OTT.
ALSO READ: Sushmita Sen set to play transgender activist Gauri Sawant in new series Taali | See FIRST look
In 2021, she was starred in the second season of ‘Aarya’. And now she is all set to play the role of transgender activist Gauri Sawant in a new web series titled ‘Taali’. The biographical drama series is created by Arjun Singgh Baran and Kartk D Nishandar.
Sharing the first look of ‘Taali’ Sushmita shared, “Taali – बजाऊँगी नहीं, बजवाऊँगी ! #firstlook as #ShreegauriSawant Nothing makes me prouder & more grateful than to have the privilege of portraying this beautiful person & of bringing her story to the world!! Here’s to life & to everyone’s right to live it with dignity!! I love you guys!!! #duggadugga.” Taali will shed light on the momentous life of Sawant — from her childhood, her transition, to her contribution to revolutionize the transgender movement in India.
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