Bollywood actor Sunny Deol has been one of the superstars of the 90s. The actor impressed fans with his action and drama in various films. Recently, he made headlines again for cheating and refusing to return the signing fee for a film by producer Suneel darshan. In a recent interview with RJ Siddharth Kannan, the filmmaker recalled his fallout with Deol and revealed that the actor refused to honour his commitment. Darshan and Sunny Deol worked together in many films like Ajay, Looeter and Inteqam.
Suneel Darshan said that Sunny Deol cheated on him when he signed a film with him. The producer claimed that the two were close at one point but Sunny took the fee but later refused to do the movie. He also revealed that he had to release the film ‘Ajay’ without an ending because Sunny Deol moved to London even before the film was completed. However, the film was well received by the audience and turned out a hit.
“Sunny had forced me into a promise that I would support him for the next phase of his career, to which I contributed my one year, with a promise from him that he would be taking up my next movie, which he was signed and financial obligations had concluded,” Suneel said.
Later when things did not work out for Deol in London and he returned to India, Darshan was hopeful that now they will work on his film but sadly, it did not happen. darshan revealed that he cast Akshay Kumar in the film Janwar which was earlier written for Sunny Deol.
This film proved to be quite a hit in Akshay Kumar’s career as it gave him an identity and his stalled career gained momentum.
The producer climed that Akshay Kumar’s career was going through a bad phase before the film Janwar. His last 2 films were flops. After this, Akshay Kumar had made up his mind to go to Canada by calling it quits. But the success of the film Janwar brought Akshay Kumar’s career back on track.
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