In a shocking state of affairs, Bollywood actress Sonam Kapoor and her husband Anand Ahuja’s Delhi residence has been robbed. Reportledy cash and jewellery worth Rs 1.41 crore was stolen from the house located at Delhi’s Amrita Shergill Marg. Sonam’s father-in-law Harish Ahuja, mother-in-law Priya Ahuja and Anand’s grandmother Sarla Ahuja stay in the apartment.
Sonam’s mother-in-law has lodged a complaint at the Tughlaq Road police station and their staff are being questioned in the matter. The report further stated that the Delhi Police is questioning 25 employees, 9 caretakers, drivers, gardeners and other workers in the matter.
Not just the Delhi Police, even the FSL is also involved in evidence collection from the crime scene. Being a high profile case, it was kept under cover and reports suggest that the robbery took place in February. As per the complaint, Sarla Ahuja claimed she got to know of the theft on February 11 when she checked her cupboards for jewellery and cash. She had last checked the jewellery 2 years ago. The complaint was lodged on February 23.
Meanwhile, Sonam who is expecting her first child with Anand is in Mumbai. The couple had announced the good news on March 21, in an Instagram post. Along with a few images, she wrote, “Four hands.To raise you the very best we can. Two hearts. That will beat in unison with yours, every step of the way. One family. Who will shower you with love and support. We can’t wait to welcome you. #everydayphenomenal #comingthisfall2022.”
Sonam and Anand got married in the year 2018 in a traditional wedding ceremony in Mumbai. On the work front, Sonam has a crime thriller Blind in the pipeline.
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