Dipika Chikhlia, who played the role of Sita on TV in Ramanand Sagar’s Ramayana, has reacted to the teaser of Adipurush starring Prabhas and Saif Ali Khan. The movie has been hugely anticipated by fans and netizens have been sharing their opinion on it after the recent teaser launch. After the 1.46-minute-long footage was revealed, the film landed in controversy over the depiction of Ravana and Hanuman and also its inferior visual effects. Several hashtags calling for the boycott of the film have also been trending on Twitter. Meanwhile, Dipika has also disapproved of Adipurush teaser.
Dipika Chikhlia on Adipurush teaser
Dipika Chiklia has disapproved of Adipurush teaser saying she does associate ‘Ramayana with Visual effects’. In an interview with India Today, the actress said, “I have seen the teaser of Adipurush. I think Ramayana is a story of truth and morality. I don’t associate Ramayana with VFX, that’s my personal take on this.”
Adipurush teaser trolled over Hanuman’s look
Comparisons are also being made with Lord Hanuman from Ramanand Sagar’s serial Ramayana to Adipurush. Actor Devdatta Gajanan Nage is playing the role of Hanuman in Adipurush. Netizens have claimed that Hanuman’s look in the film also has similarities with the Islamic attire. The portrayal of Hanuman, with a beard, without a moustache and dressed in leather, also attracted criticism. Commenting on the same, Dipika said seeing that the teaser, she could not make out much about Hanuman’s attire but if that is the case, “Then I think that the intention that Valmiki and Tulsidas had while writing the epic, should be maintained because it is an asset of our country.
Read: Adipurush: This actor is playing Hanuman in Prabhas and Kriti Sanon’s starrer; know more about him
Om Raut reacts to Adipurush trolling
Meanwhile, Adipurush director Om Raut said he is “disheartened” by the reaction to the teaser. “I was disheartened but not surprised because the film is made for a larger medium. You can cut it down to some extent, but can’t bring it down to a mobile phone, that’s an environment I can’t control. If given a choice, I had never put it on YouTube but that’s the need of the hour. We need to put it there so that it reaches a wide audience,” Raut told reporters at the media preview of film’s 3D trailer on Tuesday.
Read: Om Raut reacts to Prabhas-Saif Ali Khan’s Adipurush teaser, says ‘disheartened but not…
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