Actress Shruti Haasan, who is busy with her film ‘Salaar’, recently admitted to having done a nose job. The actress shared that she had a broken nose and getting to fix her nose is her right. She said that after doing her first film with the old nose, she chose to do the surgery. While talking to ‘Hauterfly’ magazine, the actress said, “I did get my nose fixed and it was very obvious I got my nose fixed. My nose was broken and quite different from before and I did my first film with my old nose.
She also revealed how people taunted her by saying that she was using deviated septum as an excuse to fix her nose.
She further mentioned, “And people are like she’s just using the deviated septum excuse. No, I did have a deviated septum, it hurt. But if I could make it prettier, it’s my face, why wouldn’t I? It was that simple.”
In addition, she also spoke about getting fillers and said that it is her body and those who want to do something to it or don’t want to do something, it is their choice just like it was hers.
Recently, some media reports went on to report this as the actress being in a critical condition, forcing the actress to issue a clarification.
The actress, in a video clip, said: “I am having PCOS which a lot of women have. Yes, it’s challenging. But no, it doesn’t mean I am “unwell” or in “critical condition” of any kind. I’ve realised that some media and news outlets have blown it way out of proportion without reading the actual post, which was supposed to be positive.”
“I also got calls asking me if I was admitted to the hospital, which I am clearly not. I am doing perfectly fine. I have PCOS for years and I have been doing just fine. So, thank you for your concern. You have a good day.”
It all started some time ago, when the actress put out a post on Instagram, saying she had PCOS. Posting a video of her working out, she wrote: “Work out with me! I’ve been facing some of the worst hormonal issues with my pcos and endometriosis – women know it’s a tough fight with imbalance and bloating and metabolic challenges – but instead of looking at it as a fight, I choose to accept is as natural movement that my body goes through to do it’s best and I say Thank you by eating right, sleeping well and enjoying my work out. My body isn’t perfect right now but my heart is. Keep fit keep happy and let those happy hormones flow !!! I know I sound a tad preachy but it’s been such a journey to accept these challenges and not let them define me.. so, I’m so happy to share this with all of you.”
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