Kundali Bhagya actress Shraddha Arya, known for playing the role of Preeta tied the knot with Delhi-based naval officer Rahul Sharma Nagal on November 16. The couple hosted a wedding reception for her close family and friends the very next day. Ditching the traditional red lehenga for the occasion, Shraddha opted for a powder blue saree paired with a diamond necklace. On the other hand, Rahul Nagal complimented Shraddha and looked dapper in a black suit. Close friends and family members were seen at the reception party.
With her red chuda on, Shraddha shared a few pictures from her wedding reception on her Instagram account. The actress posed with her commander husband and the duo looked picture perfect. Posting the pictures, Shraddha captioned it as, “Commander and Mrs Nagal #RashInLove.”
Social media is flooded with pictures and videos from Shraddha and Rahul’s wedding reception. The white colour two-tier reception cake, which has ‘R&S’ written on it, seemed perfect for the day. In a video, the couple can be seen cutting the cake as the family and friends congratulate them.
Meanwhile, Shraddha and Rahul got hitched as per Hindu traditions, in a lavish wedding. One of the viral videos caught the actress sitting and chilling just before her wedding enjoying her coffee. In next, we see her making a smashing entry with her friends carrying the ‘phoolon ki chaadar.’ For those unversed, her industry friends included Anjum Fakih, Supriya Shukla, Shashank Vyas and others. A photo from the ceremony captured Shraddha pulling Rahul’s cheeks. While another video showed how the groom carried Shraddha in his arms to the stage.
Meanwhile, Shraddha’s husband Rahul Nagal works in the navy, and the two were introduced to each other by their families.
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