Amid the ongoing porn racket controversy surrounding her husband and businessman Raj Kundra, actor Shilpa Shetty has been vocal on social media about practising yoga for mental peace. The actor has also shared this wisdom with her little children. Taking to her Instagram handle on Monday, the actor shared a super cute video in which her son Viaan can be seen teaching yoga to her daughter Samisha.
“Kids are like wet clay. We must mould their approach towards a healthier lifestyle early. Inculcating the habit of enjoying a balanced diet, staying fit, and gaining control over the mind & soul is crucial. That’s exactly what I’ve tried to do with Viaan; and now, to see him take over the role and teaching his little follower, Samisha, makes me so proud,” she captioned.
Shilpa further called the sight of her children bonding over exercise as her “Monday Motivation”.
“Seeing them bond over Yoga is truly the kind of Monday Motivation I need to stay fit and healthy… with them and for them. Have a great week ahead, my #InstaFam,” she added.
A few days ago, businessman Raj Kundra along with his associate Ryan Thorpe walked out from the Arthur Road jail, a day after getting bail by a Mumbai Court in a pornography case. The Property Cell of Mumbai Crime Branch had submitted a 1500-page supplementary charge sheet before Esplanade Court in connection with the pornography case against businessman Kundra.
Raj was arrested by police on July 19 along with 11 other people on charges related to the alleged creation of pornographic films. Meanwhile, on the work front, after taking a brief hiatus following her husband’s arrest, Shilpa is once again busy judging the dance reality show ‘Super Dancer 4’, alongside Geeta Kapur and Anurag Basu.
On the film front, she was recently seen in Priyadarshan’s ‘Hungama 2’.
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