On Friday, Shehnaaz treated her fans to a video of herself enjoying traditional Punjabi boliyan. The actress-singer was seen singing and dancing Punjabi folk songs as she spent some time with her family. She was joined by some more women seemingly her family members who danced and sang with her. The Bigg Boss 13 fame actress was seen wearing a salwar suit and had tied her hair in a neat pony in the video.
Sharing the video on her verified Instagram account, Shehnaaz didn’t write any captions but used hashtags, “#family #shehnaazgill #boliyan.” The video has received a warm response from fans. “Samajh toh kuch bhi nhi aaya but tumhe khush dekhkar bahut khushi mil rhi hai. Love You Shehnaaz,” wrote a user, while another said, “How cute shehnaaz wanted to see you happy always, so happy to see you having fun with family.”
A third one complimented her singing and dancing saying, “Wow .. Punjab ki kudi. urff India ki Katrina.. amazing voice queen.” Many other feel, those living near Shehnaaz’s house are very lucky. “Sana ki gali Wale log kitane lucky hai.. iski dekh sakte hai mil sakte hai,” a user wrote in comment section. Watch the video here:
Recently, with an Instagram post, the ‘Honsla Rakh’ actress shared that she is in Punjab with her family. She has posted an Instagram Reel in which she can be seen sitting on a tractor, dressed in a floral pink-and-purple salwar kameez. She is also carrying a dupatta with her. In the video, she jumps off the tractor and happily runs in the fields, embracing the nature around her. For the video, Shehnaaz chose ‘Chal Jindiye’ song by Amrinder Gill as the background score. “Mera pind … mere khet #shehnaazgill,” she captioned the clip.
Meanwhile, Shehnaaz is yet to announce her next project yet.
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