Tunisha Sharma Death case: A court in Maharashtra’s Palghar district on Saturday remanded actor Sheezan Khan, arrested for allegedly abetting the suicide of his co-actor Tunisha Sharma, in 14-day judicial custody. Sheezan was produced before a magistrate’s court in Vasai after his police custody ended on Saturday. The police custody had been extended by a day on Friday.
Meanwhile, Sheezan on his behalf has placed some conditions through his lawyers while in judicial custody. He has asked for home-cooked meals. He has also said that he will not be cutting his hair short while in custody. The lawyer submitted that Sheezan has also sought permission to use an inhaler for his asthma. The accused’s counsel also sought permission for visits from family members and lawyers while in custody. He has also requested for security in jail.
Read: Sheezan Khan’s lawyer dismisses all claims by Tunisha Sharma’s mother: He will be proven not guilty
The magistrate remanded Sheezan to judicial custody for 14 days. The 27-year-old actor was arrested by Valiv Police in Palghar district on December 26 for allegedly abetting Sharma’s suicide. A case under section 306 (abetment to suicide) of the Indian Penal Code has been registered against him.
Tunisha, who was acting in the TV serial Ali Baba: Dastaan-E-Kabul, was found hanging in the washroom on the set of the show near Vasai on December 24. Her mother has alleged that Sheezan had cheated and “used” her daughter. She also claimed that Sheezan had slapped her daughter on the set of a TV show they were part of, was teaching her Urdu and wanted her to wear a hijab.
Read: Tunisha Sharma’s written note found on Ali Baba sets with Sheezan Khan’s name
(With inputs from news agencies)
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