Shark Tank India fame Namita Thapar’s fans were left confused and shocked after she called herself a s****y mother and a wife. Not only this but an accusatory Instagram story was also uploaded from her profile on the behalf of her son. However, later both the bio and the post were taken down and the Shark also gave an explanation for the same.
Talking about the same, an Instagram page shared a screenshot of both the bio along with the story that was addressed to Namita’s followers seemingly by her son. The page took a dig at the entrepreneur for the same through a meme. The Emcure Pharmaceuticals Limited’s executive director’s Instagram bio suddenly started reading, ‘S****y mother, s******r wife.’
Now, Namita has reacted to the post and said that it was done by her ‘educated’ house help who stole her phone and put a hateful post. She tweeted, “This is what hate does to this world, makes people toxic. An educated house help who was removed stole my phone & put a hateful post on me on social media. Price of being a public figure! Apologies!”
Netzines have also reacted to her tweet, one of them wrote, “If it was a post by a house help, why is she apologizing? And more importantly, who is she apologizing to.” The second one said, “Password bhi educated house help me break kar diye hoge.” The third person commented, “Nice!! Shift the blame on a poor house help .. I know it’s hard to accept, that your son has spoken out the truth.” The fourth person replied, “I don’t think it is done by any house help… no one will believe this script.” The fifth person commented, “That educated house help knew the password to your phone….. lmao good try, better luck next time.”
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