Shamita Shetty was recently snapped attending a party in Mumbai. What caught the attention of the netizens were some public moments with Aamir Ali. A video quickly went viral on social media that showed Aamir planting a kiss on Shamita’s cheek. Later, he escorted Shamita to her car all while having his arm wrapped around her. This video gained traction on social media as fans speculated that the two actors are dating. Fans took note of Shamita’s viral video with Aamir after she broke up with Bigg Boss OTT fame Raqesh Bapat last year.
What Shamita said about her viral video with Aamir Ali
Shamita Shetty took to social media and clarified her dating rumours with Aamir Ali. She has slammed those speculating about her love life on social media. In a series of tweets, she shot down rumours of dating Aamir. She further added that she is ‘single and happy’. “I’m baffled by society and it’s convenient prudish mindset all across. Why is every action and every person subjected to scrutiny or snap judgement with no reality check? There are possibilities beyond the narrow-minded assumptions of the NETIZENS (sic),” she tweeted.
He continued, “It’s high time we open our minds to it! Single n happy .. let’s focus on more important issues in this country (sic).”
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Shamita Shetty and Raqesh Bapat’s break up
Before sparking dating rumours with Aamir Ali, Shamita Shetty was dating her Bigg Boss OTT co-contestant Raqesh Bapat. Fans shipped them as ‘ShaRa’. When last year, Shamita and Raqesh formally announced their break up after months of speculation, fans were disheartened.
On the work front, Shamita is currently making headlines for her upcoming Bollywood movie The Tenant. It will release on the big screens on February 10.
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