Shahid Kapoor and his wife Mira and Varun Dhawan and Natasha Dalal were among the Bollywood celebrities attending the wedding of Kunal Rawal and Arpita Mehta on Sunday evening in Mumbai. The celebrity couple Shahid and Mira attended the gathering in traditional clothing. The Bollywood actor looked handsome in a white long shirt with pants and Mira was breath-taking in a cream-coloured saree. Similarly, Varun also opted for white coloured traditional kurta pyjama, with his wife Natasha opting for a saree. The images are just an indication of the star-studded night it will turn out to be.
Shahid Kapoor, Varun Dhawan arrive at Bollywood wedding
Shahid Kapoor, Varun Dhawan and his filmmaker brother Rohit were among the first Bollywood celebrities to make their presence felt at the wedding of popular menswear designer Kunal Rawal and designer Arpita Mehta. Kunal has dressed celebrities like Arjun Kapoor, Ranbir Kapoor and Varun Dhawan and most of them have participated in Kunal’s wedding festivities in Mumbai. Malaika Arora also shared a picture of her look from the night on her Instagram. In selfies, Mira and Shahid made a cute couple as they snapped pictures at the event.
Malaika Arora in a saree at Kunal Rawal and Arpita Mehta wedding
Malaika Arora put on her desi avatar for Kunal Rawal and Arpita Mehta’s wedding. A viral video from the pre-wedding bash showed her and beau Arjun Kapoor dancing to Chaiyya Chaiyaa at a party. Now, Malaika sizzled in a golden colour saree. An image of her from the wedding was shared by Mohit Marwah’s wife Anatra Marwah on Instagram. They looked stunning and all set for the party. A picture from last night saw bride Arpita on groom-to-be Kunal’s lap, the couple all set for their big night.
Read: Inside Kunal Rawal-Arpita Mehta’s pre-wedding: Janhvi-Varun to Malaika-Arjun celebs dance their hearts out
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