Actor Shah Rukh Khan’s manager Pooja Dadlani on Wednesday skipped the Mumbai Police’s summon for questioning in the drugs on cruise case citing health reasons. Pooja Dalani was often snapped outside the Narcotics Control Bureau office when Aryan Khan was in jail is significant for the investigation. “Her statement is important for SIT and in the time to come, we will summon her again for questioning,” the Mumbai Police said.
Mumbai Police’s SIT team is investigating allegations of extortion against Dadlani in the cruise drugs case. As per reports, the SIT has also sought the CCTV footage of NCB’s South Mumbai offices, reports said.
Bollywood superstar’s manager Dadlani was reportedly acting as an intermediary between Aryan and the Khan family. Pooja has been SRK’s manager since 2012 and has been spotted several time and reportedly was present inside the court during the bail hearing of Aryan on October 8.
Pooja, who has been a manager of the superstar for nine years, is often spotted attending intimate gatherings, festival celebrations and parties hosted in the actor’s home Mannat in Mumbai.
According to media reports, Pooja also handles Shah Rukh’s brand endorsements, his cricket team Kolkata Knight Riders and other business-related engagements. She has a net worth of approximately Rs 45 crore, claims one report.
Also read: Shah Rukh Khan’s manager Pooja Dadlani reacts to Aryan Khan’s bail: ‘There is a God’
An NCB team busted an alleged drugs party on the Cordelia Cruise ship which was on its way to Goa at mid-sea on October 2. A total of 20 people, including two Nigerian nationals have been arrested so far in the case.
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