The ace filmmaker Atlee and his wife Krishna Priya welcomed their first child, a baby boy on January 31 after 8 years of marriage. The director who is currently busy with his upcoming project Jawan with Shah Rukh Khan took to his Instagram handle to announce the good news. The couple shared the happy news with a picture in which they were seen holding a pair of newborn’s pair of shoes. The picture also had ‘it is a boy’ written on it.
Sharing an adorable post, the new parents wrote, “They were right. There’s no feeling in the world like this. And just like that our baby boy is here! A new exciting adventure of parenthood starts today! Grateful. Happy. Blessed.”
The couple announced their pregnancy in December with pictures from a maternity shoot. The post read, “Happy to announce that we are pregnant and need all your blessing and love. With love Atlee & Priya”.
As soon as the news was shared fans and friends took to the comment section to congratulate new parents. While Samantha Ruth Prabhu wrote, “Congratulations my loves”, Kalyani Priyadarshan also commented, “HE IS GOING TO HAVE SO MUCH LOVE SURROUNDING HIM. Congratulations”. Keerthy Suresh also sent love to the couple and wrote, “Big congrats to the new Mum and Dad in town! God bless the little one can’t wait to meet you all together. Lots of love.”
This year, Atlee will make his Hindi language debut with Jawan, starring Shah Rukh Khan, Nayanthara and Vijay Sethupathi. He began his career as an assistant director with films like Enthiran and Nanban. He followed this up with three hit action entertainers, all starring Vijay – Theri, Mersal, and Bigil. He turned producer in 2017 and has produced two films.
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