On Saturday evening, the makers of Jawan made a stylish announcement of the film’s release date. The makers released a new teaser featuring a masked Shah Rukh Khan, along with the text “Red Chillies Entertainment presents, Shah Rukh Khan in and as Jawan, releasing worldwide 7th September in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu. Produced by Gauri Khan. An Atlee film.”
The movie was previously scheduled to release on June 2 this year.Sharing the teaser on Instagram, Shah Rukh Khan simply captioned the post with “#Jawan #7thSeptember2023.” Along with the short teaser Shah Rukh also shared the new poster of the film.
Shah Rukh also treated his fans with his selfie on Instagram and wrote. “Ok thank u everyone. Some said my face not visible in #Jawan poster….so putting my face here….don’t tell the director & producer. Love u all & hope to meet u in theatres on #7thSeptember2023 love u and bye.”
In addition to Shah Rukh Khan, the film also stars Nayanthara and Vijay Sethupathi in prominent roles, and is produced by Gauri Khan.
See Also: Shah Rukh Khan talks about collaborating with Nayanthara and Atlee in Jawan
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