Shoppers can now get up to 50 percent off in the sale Decathlon has just launched, perfect for saving money on camping essentials when planning your next trip. From tents to mattresses and more, find out what’s on offer here.
Decathlon is known as a reliable brand for high-quality outdoor gear with everything from clothing and footwear to water sports and camping equipment.
Founded in 1976, the brand has since become the largest sporting goods retailer in the world, constantly expanding its range and variety of products.
Within the sale, some items have as high as 65 percent discount, plus they are made to last so you can get value from it every year.
With over 1000 products in the sale, there is bound to be something missing from your camping collection, whether it’s a camping table, self-inflating mattress or hiking clothing, so make the most of the discounts while the sale is still on.
The four person air tent is now £199.99, saving £30 off the original price. It has a bedroom which sleeps four people, and a spacious separate living room which is great for eating and spending time together.
It’s also wind-resistant and waterproof, plus it’s easy to pitch and transport to your chosen destination.
According to a report by Festive Lights, searches for best camping lights for tents up are up by 133 percent in the past 12 months.
Shoppers on Decathlon’s website are praising the lamp, Karen said: ”Handy strap for carrying it around. Good bright light. 3 light settings available.”
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