Satyaprem Ki Katha Trailer OUT: Kartik Aaryan and Kiara Advani return to the big screen after their blockbuster movie Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2. With the teaser that released earlier, the duo had already left the fans intrigued and now, on Monday they dropped the trailer of their upcoming love story. Directed by Sameer Vidwans, the film shows Kartik Aaryan as Satyaprem aka Sattu Aggarwal while Kiara plays the role of Katha Kishan Kapadia. The film is a musical drama that showcases the roller coaster ride of Satyaprem and Katha’s love story.
In the trailer, Kartik Aaryan can be seen searching for a wife and falls in love when he sees Kiara Advani. As they begin their love story and get married, many truths unfold which break their hearts.
Watch Satyaprem Ki Katha Trailer here-
Earlier in May, the makers dropped the teaser of SatyaPrem Ki Katha which amassed much love from the fans. The video gave viewers a glimpse of Kartik and Kiara’s sizzling chemistry and soul-worthy music.
The film was originally titled ‘Satyanarayan Ki Katha’ but was changed in order to not hurt the sentiments of the people. The makers shared a statement regarding same and said, “A title of the film is something that emerges organically through the creative process. We have taken a decision to change the title of our recently announced film ‘Satyanarayan Ki Katha’ to avoid hurting sentiments, even if that’s purely unintentional. Producers of the film and the creative team also are in complete support of this decision. We will be announcing a new title for our love story in the due course of our journey. Sincerely, Sameer Vidwans.”
Satyaprem Ki Katha also stars Gajraj Rao and Supriya Pathak in pivotal roles. The film is slated to release on June 29, 2023.
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