The makers of Mahesh Babu’s upcoming commercial thriller ‘Sarkaru Vaari Paata’ announced the release of their first single from the movie. As announced recently by the makers, the film’s first single will be out on February 14, coinciding with Valentine’s Day. The first single from ‘Sarkaru Vaari Paata’, tilted ‘ Kalaavati’, which actually is Keerthy Suresh’s character name in the movie, will be out on Valentines Day.
‘Mahanati’ fame Keerthy Suresh has joined hands to appear opposite Mahesh for the first time. Fans and followers have kept their expectations high, as the movie is one of the most-awaited ones of recent times. Touted to be a melodious song, ‘Kalaavathi’s music rendered by ‘Ala Vaikuntapuramloo’ musician Thaman.
Being helmed by ‘Geetha Govindam’ director Parasuram, ‘Sarkaru Vaari Paata’ is nearing completion and its theatrical release is slated on May 12.
The upcoming commercial drama is jointly produced by Naveen Yerneni, Y. Ravi Shankar, Ram Achanta, and Gopichand Achanta under Mythri Movie Makers, GMB Entertainment, and 14 Reels Plus banners.
R Madhi handles the cinematography, while Marthand K Venkatesh is the editor and AS Prakash takes care of the art department.
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