Telugu star Samantha Ruth Prabhu recently announced a one-year break from acting. Amid the hustle and bustle of the announcement, the actor shared a cryptic note on her Instagram story. Sharing a flushed selfie of her, she called the last six months the hardest. In the picture, Samantha can be seen smiling, however, she seems emotional. She wrote, “The longest and the hardest six months it has been…Made it to the end.”
Take a look at the picture here:
Before this, Samantha put up another picture that showed bohemian vibes. She wrote, “Caravan life. 3 more days to go.”
Have a look:
For those unversed, the Telugu actor has an auto-immune disease, myositis, which damages her muscles leading to severe pain. According to The Indian Express, the actor will now take a one-year break from acting to focus on her treatment. The report said Samantha won’t take on any new projects for one year as she will soon leave for the USA for her condition. It further said she might return to work within six months if her condition gets better. Talking about her health now, the report said she is already making good progress and doctors have advised her to take mandatory rest.
Samantha Ruth Prabhu recently wrapped up shooting Kushi with Vijay Deverakonda. The makers will release its second song Aradhya on July 12. The film will release in Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, and Malayalam on September 1.
Kushi marks the second collaboration of Samantha and Vijay after Mahanati. Besides Kushi, she will be also seen in the Indian adaptation of the action series Citadel co-starring Varun Dhawan and created by Raj and DK. If reports are to be believed, Samantha will play Priyanka Chopra Jonas’s mother in the show. She also has Chennai Story lined up in her kitty.
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