Veteran actor Saira Banu, who is currently admitted to a hospital in Mumbai, has been shifted out of the Intensive Care Unit and is doing “fine”, a hospital official said on Sunday. The 77-year-old “Padosan” actor, who lost her husband Dilip Kumar in July, was admitted to the Hinduja Hospital, a non-COVID-19 facility, in Khar on August 28 following breathlessness, high blood pressure and high sugar.
“She was shifted out of the ICU. ᨊShe has been mobilised and is fine. May probably get discharged in a day or two, if there are no further issues,” an official at the Hinduja Hospital told PTI.
On Thursday, a hospital doctor had said that Saira Banu has been diagnosed with a heart problem — acute coronary syndrome.
Doctors suggested a CAG (coronary angiogram), but the veteran actor refused to undergo the medical procedure, the doctor added.
Saira Banu”s husband and screen icon Dilip Kumar died on July 7 at the age of 98 after a long ailment.
The couple, who acted together in several films, including “Sagina” and “Gopi”, got married in 1966.
Saira Banu made her acting debut opposite Shammi Kapoor in the 1961 film “Junglee” and went on to appear in movies such as “Bluff Master”, “Jhuk Gaya Aasman”, “Aayi Milan Ki Bela”, “Pyar Mohabbat”, “Victoria No. 203”, “Aadmi Aur Insaan”, “Resham Ki Dori”, “Shagird” and “Diwana”.
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