Bollywood director Rohit Shetty was injured during the filming of his upcoming web series Indian Police Force in Hyderabad on Saturday. The director sustained an injury on his hand during the shoot at Ramoji Film City on the city outskirts. He was admitted at Kamineni Hospitals where doctors performed minor surgery on him. He was later discharged from the hospital and resumed shooting on the set.
Rohit Shetty sustains injury during shoot
Rohit Shetty is known to execute high-octane stunt scenes in his films. For his maiden web series Indian Police Force, he has been going all out with stunts. However, he sustained an injury recently on the set. According to sources, Rohit Shetty sustained an injury to his fingers while shooting a car chase sequence. The production team immediately brought him to Kamineni Hospital in Hyderabad. A team of doctors performed minor surgery on him and he resumed work on set shortly after the incident.
Shooting of Indian Police Force underway
Rohit Shetty is expanding his cop-universe to streaming as well. In Indian Police Force, Sidharth Malhotra is playing the lead role and will also make his web series debut with the project. The shoot for the ambitious cop web show is currently underway at Ramoji Film City. A huge set is said to have been erected for the key schedule. The shoot involved car chase sequences and other high-octane action and stunt scenes. Sidharth Malhotra and other key actors are participating in the shoot.
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Shilpa Shetty and Sidharth Malhotra injured on Indian Police Force set
Before Rohit Shetty, actors Shilpa Shetty and Sidharth Malhotra also got injured while filming Indian Police Force. In May last year, Sidharth sustained a minor injury during the shoot for Indian Police Force in Goa.
Later, Shilpa also injured her leg during the shoot and had to be in a wheelchair for some time.
Both Rohit Shetty and Sidharth are making their web series debut with Indian Police Force. The show also stars Vivek Oberoi and Shilpa Shetty in key roles.
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(With IANS inputs)
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