Rishab Shetty directorial Kantara, is making waves in Indian cinema. The film is receiving praise from all across the country. Several actors have taken to their social media accounts and declared it the best film of the year, even before the year ends. Actress Kangana Ranaut has said that it should be considered as India’s entry for the Academy Award. It has been nearly seven weeks since the film was released in theaters, and it is still performing well.The film has so far grossed approximately Rs 288.93 crore.
Now, it seems the Kannada blockbuster is in big trouble. Dalit organisations have condemned the portrayal of Dalits in the superhit pan-India Kannada movie “Kantara.”
Samatha Sainik Dal State Secretary Lolaksha has stated that the film has insulted Dalits. “The Dalit community has been shown in poor light,” he said, claiming that the “Daivaradhane” sequences in the movie are twisted.
He had also raised objections to the highlight of the movie, the last 20 minute climax.
Lolaksha had stated that they will bring their objections to the notice of the film team first. If their objections are not taken seriously, they will initiate legal proceedings against the film team.
“Kantara” is the second pan-India superhit from Kannada film industry after “KGF Chapter-2”.
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The film was, however, mired in controversies as a band claimed one of the songs used in the movie as theirs and Kannada actor Chetan Ahimsa stated that “Daivaradhane” is not part of Hindu religion as shown in the movie.
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